SteamForwarder copied to clipboard
steam_api.dll implementation for wine. Your windows games now can interact with your linux steam! (This repo mirrors
implementation for WINE. Your windows games now can interact with your linux steam! What does it mean? It means this tool provides a component for WINE named steam_api.dll
. It works like for example opengl32.dll
provided by WINE which allows windows programms to access OpenGL API under linux. If opengl32.dll
supplies interface to
, the steam_api.dll
does the same thing but for
(which is provided by Valve for linux steam games).
! Attention !
Recently Valve has introduced new version of SteamPlay that includes a core feature of the SteamForwarder project - to connect Windows games with Linux Steam. So since this moment SteamForwarder can be considered as deprecated and the project won't be in the active developement any more. Nevertheless I will continue trying to fix any bugs reported if any.
The author is not liable for any damage resulting from the use of this software. User might break his games, steam, OS or even computer. User account might to be banned by Valve. The legal status of the tool is uncertain and nobody have been banned so far but EVERYTHING THAT YOU'RE DOING, YOU'RE DOING ON YOUR OWN RISK!
There are a few known problems with this tool. Some of them will be solved in future, others are not solvable.
SteamForwarder is NOT able to run by design:
- Games what trying to detect steam process bypassing
- Games with statically linked
SteamForwarder is NOT able to download:
- Everything that steamcmd or steam are not able to download
For pre-2014 steam api it might be worthy to use SteamBrige.
Usage dependencies
- steamcmd (not required with experimental flag
) - python3 (for installer script)
- wine-devel (including
and headers) - make
Note that you may need to build
if the sf_install
script won't be able to find matching precompiled library. The installation
script will try to setup mostly matching library from
existent ones though. If you want to force the library building you can use
the --strict
command line option but it needs the build dependencies
installed in your system to succeed.
Build dependences
All usage dependencies plus
- nim compiler of version 0.18.0 or higher
- binutils (
in particular) - binutils-devel (including
This is a common usage scenario of SteamForwarder for users. Some hints for experts can be found in the section below.
- Download redist.tar.bz2 from latest release of SteamForwarder at the releases page.
- Unpack it to the folder you want.
- Open a terminal in the folder the
script was unpacked (share/SteamForwarder
). - Type
python3 sf_install --help
to learn command line options of installer tool. - Launch your linux steam client if you decided to use
option, otherwise close the steam client if it is running (it may conflict with the steamcmd). - Use
to install your windows game. E.g. for Paladins it command might look likepython3 sf_install 444090
. The steam AppId of the game can be found in the url of the game page on the steam store site. It might be necessary to play around the commandline options to install the game (see tips below) - For already installed games it is possible to use
option to
generation without actual game instalation. - Launch your linux steam (don't allow it to update your windows games, in some cases the linux steam just erases the game and says that it is updated. Use
to update windows games.) - Run installed game via runscript generated. (Its location will be printed after
will install the game.)
There is a little video example that shows typical use case.
Some important tips:
- If you dont want to install steamcmd, it is possible to avoid it by using
flag insf_install
- If the game does not installing with standart method try to use
option - There is
target formake
, so you can build a package or install SteamForwarder to your system. Don't forget about PREFIX and DESTDIR variables. - If
can not write the run script or can not findsteam_api.dll
check the game installation, it may be not even installed (see 2). In other case, it might be incompatible with SteamForwarder. - There is no universal way to install any game. Keep trying other options and other aproaches.
- Save frequently used parameters by passing the
commandline option to thesf_install
script or/and edit them at$HOME/.config/SteamForwarder/config.json
Found a bug?
Feel free to post the issue. Don't forget to attach the wine log with WINEDEBUG=trace+steam_api
environment variable set and log from sf_install
and the steam client (CONSOLE tab) if available.
If you're starting the game from the runscript generated by the sf_install
the required log can be found in the
runscript folder (it's named lastrun.log
). The script itself also can be a key to a problem.
If you know how to improve SteamForwarder or even already improved it in your fork, your Pull Request will be appreciated!
Any poor-languachisms, mistakes and other text-related issues found in the documentation also can be considered as bugs and can be reported or fixed by PR.
Want to contribute?
I assume that there are not so much people is familiar with the Nim language,
so the good starting point would be the python side of the project. It includes
the sf_install
script and its dependencies at the installer/
I'm mostly focused on the Nim side, so the installer script has many things
to improve.
But the python scripts improvements are not only accepted contributions.
There is no particular codestyle or specific rules and every
request will be reviewed in the individual order. The only rule is:
"Do not break things!".
Implementation details
The SteamForwarder may be represented as two almost independent parts:
and service tools. Service tools may also be
devided to user tools and developer tools.
For a moment there is only one user tool - sf_install
. This script
tells steam or steamcmd to download the game and prepares SteamForwarder to work
with this game, including the run scripts creation and
It has arbitary user-friendly interface with many settings managed by command
line switches.
Another pair of tools can be related to developers tools. Their work invisible
for ordinal user. But before describing them, it is necessary to describe the
build process. So the target of whole build process is a
library which implements everything implemented in steam_api.dll
file from
the game installed. The target library should forward every call to the
library on linux side. The building of
starts from gathering information about original steam_api.dll
. There are
two kinds of information: version dependent and version independent.
The version dependent information is represented by the library's exported
symbols and can be obtained via winedump
tool from wine-devel.
As the result, there is steam_api.spec
file will be created. But the
information from this file is not enough to build the library: there aren't
any information about the symbols arguments. In previous versions of
the SteamForwarder this problem was solved by parsing header files which
Valve supplies to game developer. But headers are only available for latest
steam API version and their usage for old steam games causes problems.
The solution of such a situation was found in parsing various versions
and search for mostly compatible with original
, then extract the information about amount of symbol arguments
via the dllparser
Another part of information - version independent. This one should be extracted
and does not dependent from steam_api.dll
The extraction is
being performed by the sigsearch
tool. The tool provides information about
steam API classes and their methods. As soon as this information does not
depend on game, it was included to this repository at file signatures.txt.
When both of information kinds is collected, the build stage begins.
Main job which is being done by
ABI conversion from MSVC calling conventions to GCC ones and vise versa.
It means that a little chunk of the wrapping code should be added to
each steam API function or method. The wrapping code in almost all cases
is very similiar. Implementing it by hands could make me crazy.
Thats why
is implemented in the Nim programming language.
Nim has wonderful metaprogramming abilities and compiles directly to C,
so I can rely on a few macros to generate the whole steam API.