vim-lua-inspect icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-lua-inspect copied to clipboard

Uncaught exception - alerts every time it tries to inspect (every few seconds)

Open qwertystop opened this issue 8 years ago • 2 comments

I installed using Vundle. Full list of installed plugins (though I don't see any reason for them to be interfering, but just in case): tmhedberg/SimpylFold, vim-scripts/indentpython.vim, Valloric/YouCompleteMe, scrooloose/syntastic, xolox/vim-misc, xolox/vim-lua-ftplugin, xolox/vim-lua-inspect.

Switching the last two to their vim-scripts equivalent did not help.

Full error dump (after requesting verbose) is:

vim-misc 1.17.6: Executing external command using system() function: sh -c '(lua -e "package.p
ath = package.path .. '\'';/media/data/home/qwertystop/.vim/bundle/vim-lua-inspect/misc/luains
pect/?.lua'\''; package.path = package.path .. '\'';/media/data/home/qwertystop/.vim/bundle/vi
m-lua-inspect/misc/luainspect/metalualib/?.lua'\''; package.path = package.path .. '\'';/media
/data/home/qwertystop/.vim/bundle/vim-lua-inspect/misc/luainspect/luainspect/?.lua'\''; requir
e '\''luainspect4vim'\'' ( '\''*a'\'')" 2>&1) 1>'\''/tmp/vAzTxM2/5'\'' 2>'\''/tmp/vAzTx
Error detected while processing function xolox#luainspect#highlight_cmd[9]..xolox#luainspect#m
line   12:
E605: Exception not caught: luainspect.vim 0.5.2: Failed to execute LuaInspect as external pro
cess! Use ':verbose LuaInspect' to see the command line of the external process.
Error detected while processing function xolox#luainspect#highlight_cmd:
line    9:
E171: Missing :endif

qwertystop avatar Jan 17 '17 21:01 qwertystop

I get the same error

no-more-secrets avatar Jan 01 '21 22:01 no-more-secrets

I have the same error, any update on this?

codeRSH avatar Aug 29 '21 10:08 codeRSH