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O!My Models (omymodels) is a library to generate Pydantic, Dataclasses, GinoORM Models, SqlAlchemy ORM, SqlAlchemy Core Table, Models from SQL DDL. And convert one models to another.
O! My Models
Big example you can find in example/ folder on the github:
O! My Models (omymodels) is a library that allow you to generate different ORM & pure Python models from SQL DDL or convert one models type to another (exclude SQLAlchemy Table, it does not supported yet by py-models-parser).
Supported Models:
- SQLAlchemy (,
- SQLAlchemy Core (Tables) (,
- GinoORM (,
- Pydantic (,
- Python Enum ( - generated only from DDL SQL Types,
- Python Dataclasses (dataclasses module) (,
How to install
pip install omymodels
How to use
From Python code
Create Models from DDL
By default method create_models generate GinoORM models, to get Pydantic models output use the argument models_type='pydantic'
('sqlalchemy' for SQLAlchemy models; 'dataclass' for Dataclasses; 'sqlalchemy_core' for Sqlalchemy Core Tables).
A lot of examples in tests/ -
For example,
from omymodels import create_models
ddl = """
CREATE table user_history (
runid decimal(21) null
,job_id decimal(21) null
,id varchar(100) not null
,user varchar(100) not null
,status varchar(10) not null
,event_time timestamp not null default now()
,comment varchar(1000) not null default 'none'
) ;
result = create_models(ddl, models_type='pydantic')['code']
# and output will be:
import datetime
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel
class UserHistory(BaseModel):
runid: Optional[int]
job_id: Optional[int]
id: str
user: str
status: str
event_time: datetime.datetime
comment: str
To generate Dataclasses from DDL use argument models_type='dataclass'
for example:
# (same DDL as in Pydantic sample)
result = create_models(ddl, schema_global=False, models_type='dataclass')['code']
# and result will be:
import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass
class UserHistory:
id: str
user: str
status: str
runid: int = None
job_id: int = None
event_time: datetime.datetime =
comment: str = 'none'
GinoORM example. If you provide an input like:
CREATE TABLE "users" (
"name" varchar,
"created_at" timestamp,
"updated_at" timestamp,
"country_code" int,
"default_language" int
CREATE TABLE "languages" (
"id" int PRIMARY KEY,
"code" varchar(2) NOT NULL,
"name" varchar NOT NULL
and you will get output:
from gino import Gino
db = Gino()
class Users(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'users'
id = db.Column(db.Integer(), autoincrement=True, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String())
created_at = db.Column(db.TIMESTAMP())
updated_at = db.Column(db.TIMESTAMP())
country_code = db.Column(db.Integer())
default_language = db.Column(db.Integer())
class Languages(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'languages'
id = db.Column(db.Integer(), primary_key=True)
code = db.Column(db.String(2))
name = db.Column(db.String())
From cli
omm path/to/your.ddl
# for example
omm tests/test_two_tables.sql
You can define target path where to save models with -t, --target flag:
# for example
omm tests/test_two_tables.sql -t test_path/
If you want generate the Pydantic or Dataclasses models - just use flag -m or --models_type='pydantic' / --models_type='dataclass'
omm /path/to/your.ddl -m dataclass
# or
omm /path/to/your.ddl --models_type pydantic
Small library is used for parse DDL-
What to do if types not supported in O!MyModels and you cannot wait until PR will be approved
First of all, to parse types correct from DDL to models - they must be in types mypping, for Gino it exitst in this file:
omymodels/gino/ types_mapping
If you need to use fast type that not exist in mapping - just do a path before call code with types_mapping.update()
for example:
from omymodels.models.gino import types
from omymodels import create_models
types.types_mapping.update({'your_type_from_ddl': 'db.TypeInGino'})
ddl = "YOUR DDL with your custom your_type_from_ddl"
models = create_models(ddl)
#### And similar for Pydantic types
from omymodels.models.pydantic import types types_mapping
from omymodels import create_models
types.types_mapping.update({'your_type_from_ddl': 'db.TypeInGino'})
ddl = "YOUR DDL with your custom your_type_from_ddl"
models = create_models(ddl, models_type='pydantic')
Schema defenition
There is 2 ways how to define schema in Models:
- Globally in Gino() class and it will be like this:
from gino import Gino
db = Gino(schema="schema_name")
And this is a default way for put schema during generation - it takes first schema in tables and use it.
- But if you work with tables in different schemas, you need to define schema in each model in table_args. O!MyModels can do this also. Just use flag
if you use cli or put argument 'schema_global=False' to create_models() function if you use library from code. Like this:
ddl = """
CREATE TABLE "prefix--schema-name"."table" (
_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
one_more_id int
create unique index table_pk on "prefix--schema-name"."table" (one_more_id) ;
create index table_ix2 on "prefix--schema-name"."table" (_id) ;
result = create_models(ddl, schema_global=False)
And result will be this:
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from sqlalchemy.schema import UniqueConstraint
from sqlalchemy import Index
from gino import Gino
db = Gino()
class Table(db.Model):
__tablename__ = 'table'
_id = db.Column(UUID, primary_key=True)
one_more_id = db.Column(db.Integer())
__table_args__ = (
UniqueConstraint(one_more_id, name='table_pk'),
Index('table_ix2', _id),
TODO in next releases
- Add Sequence generation in Models (Gino, SQLAlchemy)
- Add support for pure Python Classes (
- Add support for Tortoise ORM (,
- Add support for DjangoORM Models
- Add support for Pydal Models
- Add support for Encode/orm Models
How to contribute
Please describe issue that you want to solve and open the PR, I will review it as soon as possible.
Any questions? Ping me in Telegram: or mail [email protected]
If you see any bugs or have any suggestions - feel free to open the issue. Any help will be appritiated.
- added bytes type to pydantic -
- parser version updated to the latest
- MSSQL column & tables names in [] now is parsed validly -
- names like 'users_WorkSchedule' now converted correctly to PascalCase like UsersWorkSchedule
- Update simple-ddl-parser version to 0.21.2
- Meta models moved to separate package -
module renamed tofrom_ddl
, but anyway please use public API as imports from main module:
from omymodels import create_models
or from omymodels import convert_models
- Fixed bunch of bugs in converter, but it stil in 'beta'.
- Previously you can generate models if was any tables in ddl. Now you can also generate Enum models if in ddl you have only CREATE TYPE statements.
- String enums now in any models types will be inherit from (str, Enum)
- Added converter feature to convert one model type to another (excluding SQLAlchemy Core (Tables)). Now with more tests for supported models, but still in Beta with bucnh of issues.
v0.9.0 Features:
- Added beta models converter from one type of models to another. To use models convertor:
from omymodels import convert_models
models_from = """
class MaterialType(str, Enum):
article = "article"
video = "video"
class Material:
id: int
title: str
description: str
link: str
type: MaterialType
additional_properties: Union[dict, list]
created_at: datetime.datetime
updated_at: datetime.datetime
result = convert_models(models_from, models_type="gino")
where models_type
- type of models that you want to get as a result
- Now if O!MyModels does not know how to convert type - he just leave it as is.
- In Dataclass & Pydantic generators now Decimals & Floats converted to float (previously was int).
- Now if tables was not found in input DDL - models generator raise NoTable error. if you want to have still silent exit if no tables, please use flag: exit_silent
- Added fundamental concept of TableMetaModel - class that unifies metadata parsed from different classes/ORM models types/DDLs to one standard to allow easy way convert one models to another in next releases it will be used for converter from one type of models to another.
- Fixed issue: "NOW() not recognized as now()"
- Fixed issue: "Default value of now() always returns same time, use field for dataclass"
- Parser version is updated (fixed several issues with generation)
- Fixed issue with Unique Constraint after schema in SQLAlchemy Core
- Fix --defaults-off flag in cli
- Added support for SQLAlchemy Core Tables generating
- Added examples folder in github
- Fix issue with ForeignKey in SQLAlchemy
- Added generation for SQLAlchemy models (defaults from DDLs are setting up as 'server_default')
- Added defaults for Pydantic models
- Added flag to generate Pydantic & Dataclass models WITHOUT defaults
(by default it is False). And cli flag --defaults-off - Fixed issue with Enum types with lower case names in DDLs
- Fixed several issues with Dataclass generation (default with datetime & Enums)
- '"' do not remove from defaults now
- O!MyModels now also can generate python Dataclass from DDL. Use argument models_type='dataclass' or if you use the cli flag --models_type dataclass or -m dataclass
- Added ForeignKey generation to GinoORM Models, added support for ondelete and onupdate
- Added Enums/IntEnums types for Gino & Pydantic
- Added UUID type
- Added key
in create_models method (by default schema_global = True). If you set schema_global=False schema if it exists in ddl will be defined for each table (model) in table args. This way you can have differen schemas per model (table). By default schema_global=True - this mean for all table only one schema and it is defined indb = Gino(schema="prefix--schema-name")
. - If column is a primary key (primary_key=True) nullable argument not showed, because primary keys always are not null.
- To cli was added flag '--no-global-schema' to set schema in table_args.
- Added correct work with table names contains multiple '-'
- Added generation for Pydantic models from ddl
- Main method create_gino_models renamed to create_models
- Generated Index for 'index' statement in table_args (not unique constrait as previously)
- Fix issue with column size as tuple (4,2)
- Valid generating columns in models: autoincrement, default, type, arrays, unique, primary key and etc.
- Added creating table_args for indexes