airflow_in_docker_compose copied to clipboard
Apache Airflow in Docker Compose (for both versions 1.10.* and 2.*)
Official Docker-Compose
Pay attention that in current time already exists official Docker-Compose.yml (maybe better to use it)
Apache Airflow version 2.0.0
(2.0 not 100% bacward compatible to 1.10+ this is because I move it to separate compose file):
By default now RBAC is turn on and this mean, that to use Airflow UI you need create user first, for this in db_init service was added also command to create default user:
airflow users create --firstname admin --lastname admin --email admin --password admin --username admin --role Admin
Change your user password and login as you want. By default it is login: admin, password: admin.
Note: If you will run docker-compose for 2nd and more times in init_db you will see log:
initdb_1 | admin already exist in the db
airflow_in_docker_compose_initdb_1 exited with code 0
NOTE: if you previous run Airflow 1.10 - remove your DB volume files before run 2.0 or change db init command to db upgrade.
git clone
cd airflow_in_docker_compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.0-with-celery-executor.yml up --build
Apache Airflow 2.* with 2 Celery Workers (or more)
Because was issue about run Apache 2.0 with 2 Celery workers I think will be not bad to have docker-compose with such set up.
I added it as separate compose file:
To check that your workers up&run well - use flower UI (it exists in docker-compose setup):
Apache Airflow version 1.10.14:
git clone
cd airflow_in_docker_compose
docker-compose -f docker-compose-with-celery-executor.yml up --build
Wait until all services will succesfull up & open http://localhost:8080/admin.
FAQ & Help
Exists different behaviour of Docker Compose on different OS relative to file system specifications, work with access rights & etc. This docker-compose file tested by me in MacOS mostly, some time I can up & run it on wsl (but not each update).
In issues you can find some cases when something goes wrong and maybe it will help you to solve own issue.
Ubuntu Issues:
WSL Issues:
- No DAGs in UI in Airflow 2.0 & failed airflow init on second runs - Not resolved yet
Also at the end of this file exists section with some information wor WSL users. Maybe it also can help.
Problem with connection to PostgreSQL (at first time run):
If you share low count of resources for Docker or you have a machine with low perfomance, up&run PostgreSQL for the first time can take a significant time. And you can see the errors like this:
Is the server running on host "postgres" ( and accepting
initdb_1 | TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
In normal behaviour - in docker-compose I added autorestarts so after 10-15 secs all servers will be up&run, but sometimes 3 retries can be not enough.
I can recommend in this case at first time run postgres service separate until you will see information that Postgres is up & ready to accept connections.:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-2.0-with-celery-executor-2-workers.yml up --build postgres
If you had any troubles & you successfully solve it - please open an issue with solution, I will add it to this file. Thank you!
Apache Airflow with Docker Compose examples
UPD from July 2020: Those articles was created before release of official Apache Airflow Docker image and they use puckel/docker-airflow. Now, already exist official image apache/airflow. So this docker-compose files became 'legacy' and all sources moved to 'docker_with_puckel_image'. Main Docker Compose Cluster based on apache/airflow Image
Docker-compose config based on official image (required docker-compose version 3.7 and higher):
And env file with config setting for Airflow (used in docker-compose-with-celery-executor.yml): .env
Source files for article with description on Medium.
Apache Airflow with LocalExecutor:
Apache Airflow with CeleryExecutor:
Install Python dependencies to docker-compose cluster without re-build images
- In docker-compose files for Airflow 2.0 scheduler service restart police changed to 'any' because for some reason it exist with 0 if error in DB and init is not finished yet, so restart policy 'on-failure' does not works.
- Added example for Apached Airflow 2.0 with 2 workers.
- Added FAQ section with issues that might help
- Updated fernet key in .env
- Added separate docker-compose file for Apache Airflow 2.0 version
- Update Apache Airflow version to 1.10.14
- Change init db command to "airflow db init"
- Update Apache Airflow version to 1.10.12
- Update PostgreSQL DB to 13.1
- Added restart_policy to services in docker-compose
- All compose files with puckel_image moved to docker_with_puckel_image
- Creted docker-compose config based on official image (required docker-compose version 3.7 and higher): docker-compose-with-celery-executor.yml And env file with config setting for Airflow (used in docker-compose-with-celery-executor.yml): .env
- At the bottom of readme added note for Windows 10 users
- Docker Compose files with puckel images moved to docker_with_puckel_image
- Added docker-compose-with-celery.yml based on official image.
18.12.19 changes:
- added samples for article (docker-compose-volume-packages.yml, packages.pth, added commented lines to Dockerfile)
- added .dockerignore
29.11.19 changes:
- Apache Airflow Image was updated to version 1.10.6
- Added test_dag into airflow_files
For Windows 10 Users
If you try to work on Windows 10 & run docker-compose on it you will got an issue for postgres service:
FATAL: data directory "/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata" has wrong ownership
To solve this issue you must do additional steps (unfortanutely there is no more quick workaround, check: and
Create docker volume:
docker volume create --name volume-postgresql -d local
in docker-compose.yml: 2.1 add volume at thetop of the file, under 'networks' defining like this:
networks: airflow: volumes: volume-postgresql: external: true
2.2 change postgres service volumes:
- ./database/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata - ./database/logs:/var/lib/postgresql/data/log
- volume-postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata - volume-postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data/log
Or use WSL and run docker under it.
If you never use docker with mount local folders as volumes under WSL possible you need first follow up this article: because by default volumes are not mounted correct and you will not see any 'dags' in Airflow.