slackarchive icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
slackarchive copied to clipboard

Slack Messages Archive System for free plan Slack team


Slack Messages Archive System for bypass limit 10.000 recent messages only of free Slack


  1. Auto crawl and archive all messages from all channel of free plan Slack
  2. Slash Command to work inside Slack
  3. Efficiency search engine backed by Elastic Search for search thousand of messages instantly
  4. Security mechanism to protect only user have right to see messages can see messages, privately for team
  5. Free and Open Source

System Requirement

  1. PHP 7
  2. Elasticsearch
  3. Redis
  4. Set PHP.ini memory_limit = 512M or memory_limit = 1G
  5. Must have a little knowledge of Laravel

Installation Guide

  1. Setup server environment to run Laravel Application, composer install to install dependencies ...

  2. Create a Admin User for Workspace, this user is dedicated for App. Suggest name for user is SlackArchiveBot . This user is use only for app dont use it for chatting.

  3. Login with this user

  4. Go to

  5. Create an Slack App with

    App Name: SlackArchiveBot

    Development Workspace: Your slack workspace

  6. Go to your app -> install app or URL below<APP_ID>/install-on-team Doing install app to your Workspace Copy "OAuth Access Token"

    set this token to "token" in file config/services.php (clone file from services.example.php)

    'slack' => [ 'token' => 'xoxp-110218693525-110132216082-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', ],

  7. Go to file config/slackarchive.php (clone from file slackarchive.example.php) edit line

'secret_key' => '7e79d196fe0797xxxxxxxxxxx',

with any random string secret_key (format a-z,0-9) . Copy this secret_key and use as below.

'team_name' => 'Team Name', // is your Workspace name
'full_domain' => '', // your domain for Slack Archive

  1. Go to your app -> Slash Commands or URL<APP_ID>/slash-commands Create new command

Command: /find Request URL:<secret_key> Short Description: Search old messages in this channel Usage Hint: <query> limit:<number> Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app: Checked

Click Save

Command: /history Request URL:<secret_key> Short Description: View history of this channel Usage Hint: Escape channels, users, and links sent to your app: Checked

Click Save

Done for Slack App

Go to server shell

$ nano /etc/crontab

add line

* * * * * root php /var/www/html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

$ crontab /etc/crontab

Go to /var/www/html

php artisan clear-all-cache

Some php artisan command you need

test Slack Archive Bot crawler. Run this for first time

$ php artisan bot:crawl

add all messages to ElasticSearch. Run this for first time to create ES index

$ php artisan es:addallmessagetoindex

reindex all message. Run this every time cannot search any thing on slack archive

$ php artisan es:reindexallmessages


in slack channel you need to view history type


Click a link returned by bot to view history

/find <query> limit:<number>

to find message


Invite user @SlackArchiveBot to every PRIVATE channel your need to save history

Direct Message cannot save history


OAuth Access Token of SlackArchiveBot user only can get messages from public Channels and ONLY JOINED Private Group


Feel free to fork and pull request your fixs, your improvements


Slack Development team for great product and Slack Sale team for expensive price