svelte-input-mask icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
svelte-input-mask copied to clipboard

Input masking component for Svelte with simple API and rich customization

Results 6 svelte-input-mask issues
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There does not appear to be an example in the demo that uses reformat.

I am new to Svelte to forgive me if I am missing something. But It seems really weird that the only way to get the actual data from the input...

It would be good to have a select on focus as the inputEl is not exposed. ` function handleFocus(e) { canSetSelection = true; if(selectOnFocus){ inputEl && typeof === 'function'...

Seems like when browser trigger autofill value for NumberInput, it doesn't trigger on:change event ```svelte { data.requestAmount } Rp data.requestAmount = (detail.inputState.maskedValue + '').replace(/[^0-9]+/g, "")}/> ``` When I input manually...

Is it possible to add support for decimal separators and thousand separators in numberformat? suggested parameters: decimals="." thousands="," Like: "1.897,99" => European "1,545.00" => US and UK

Hi. Supposing this example: ```svelte class Order { document?: string; } let order = new Order(); ``` it would be nice to add TypeScript solving problems like this: ``` (JSX...