I am not sure if that's possible. MP3 and WAV tag specification allows the use of both synced and unsynced but I am not sure about the others. Right now...
youtube might be throttling the downloads. make sure you are using the latest version of yt-dlp and spotdl
fixed in v4.2.6
> Thanks for sharing that function name, @egndz I didn't know there was already a check for the duration of the results. > I believe what you pointed out might...
If anyone has a ready PR I am more than happy to merge it 😁
> This does not really answer the first issue of spot dl not finding the right song on complex querry Matching correct songs is a very complex task, not all...
can you guys upload more logs with `--log-level DEBUG` flag enabled
Looks like an rate limiting issue or issue with yt-dlp, new update coming soon with updated yt-dlp hopefully resolving all audio provider issues
But we still have to check if we aren't running an outdated version of web ui. Maybe add a file in the web repo with version, and a flag to...
PR looks good, but I am thinking that maybe I should convert it to PR for web-ui rework.?