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abliti to configure func or var

Open zzjin opened this issue 9 years ago • 8 comments

I wish there would be one configure that can hide var(s) I have one php file with 1000 lines and 100+ vars(about 10+ for each function) witch makes tree-view too long to switch bwtween funcs.

zzjin avatar Mar 03 '15 09:03 zzjin

@zzjin Good idea! Thank you, I will add this feature in next version.

xndcn avatar Mar 03 '15 11:03 xndcn

Oh wow, fastest response ever, cool, thanks!

nielsvm avatar Mar 18 '15 09:03 nielsvm

Just mentioning this as a temporary work around to prevent @xndcn rushing this in, I found this to work when you put it in your local styles.less:

// Temporary workaround for
.symbols-tree-view .list-tree li:not(.list-nested-item) .icon-variable {
  display: none;

You can substitute .icon-variable with anything of these:


Thanks again to @zzjin for making his already cool package, even better for us :)

nielsvm avatar Mar 18 '15 18:03 nielsvm

Looking forward for this too.

@nielsvm Thanks for your hack, works like charm.

dbpolito avatar Mar 19 '15 14:03 dbpolito

Fix in 615f933 Now you can hide the whole kind of symbols in context menu.

xndcn avatar Mar 20 '15 07:03 xndcn

This is really awesome, works great... Thanks for this.

dbpolito avatar Mar 20 '15 13:03 dbpolito

There are some bugs in the toggling what kind of symbol of shown and sorting in the context menu.

  1. If you turn off the 'variable' and click sort by name, and the variables are shown again, and toggling the 'variable' in context menu will found out the toggle is wrong, on => off, and off => on
  2. The config of which kind of symbol to hide/show are not saved, not for the file, neither for current language, nor the whole settings.

twang2218 avatar May 09 '15 17:05 twang2218

Also it would be useful to be able to hide variables by default, by adding option in settings page for example. I always have to set variables off in tree-view for every file to make it uncluttered.

Suresh-Subedi avatar Sep 27 '16 10:09 Suresh-Subedi