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Forking the package
As the deprecations are annoying and some more options would be quite useful for a lot of users, and as not much happens in this repo (maybe @xndcn has not enough time for it, I don't blame anyone) I want to propose and maintain a forked version of symbols-tree-view, actually two versions, one with deprecations fixes only, the other one with some (maybe experimental) new options. Of course there is a disclaimer at start of the README stating where the new package has been forked from. If anyone wants to help, PR are welcome, and also direct contributions, especially for anyone knowing coffee script / atom packages.
I have actually started from my forked repo (master branch: deprecations fixes only; experimental branch: new options), but I get stuck at publishing phase, because of the tags. Anyone wants to help? (Question here:
So, the publishing problem is solved for the fix-only version, what can be installed.
Experimental version is published too. Contains options described here.