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Feature Pyramid Network
I managed to do training on my own datasets, after 12w iterations I went for a test by using commands similar to `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python ./faster_rcnn/test_net.py --gpu 0 --weights output/FPN_end2end/voc_0712_trainval/FPN_iter_370000.ckpt --imdb...
Hi,thank you for your code,I'm new on this ,I use your net and change the baseline to resnext using resnext50 which is convertied from caffe model ,but I get -1...
Hi, I encountered a memory leak problem when I inference images with the trained fpn model. In my case, I load the model with `net = caffe.Net(...)` in python and...
Error happened when construct the train network, it seems some parameters of input before fc6 are lost, could you give some suggestions
If I want to use ResNet 101 ,what should I change
Hi @xmyqsh , When I run the training command, there is an error message `Traceback (most recent call last): File "./faster_rcnn/train_net.py", line 23, in from lib.fast_rcnn.train import get_training_roidb, train_net File...
When I started to train end-to-end , the error happened: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1158] Unknown: KeyError: b'TRAIN' Caused by op 'RPN/rpn_rois/PyFunc', defined at: File "./faster_rcnn/train_net.py", line 101, in network = get_network(args.network_name) File...
Hi there! As I scan through _Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection_, I found a part where there is a formula for choosing the feature map for ROI based on...
当我运行FPN_alt_opt.sh时,出现如下问题: dxt@dxt-System-Product-Name:~/FPN-master (2)$ ./experiments/scripts/FPN_alt_opt.sh 0 FPN_alt_opt pascal_voc0712 + set -e + export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=True + PYTHONUNBUFFERED=True + GPU_ID=0 + NET=FPN_alt_opt + NET_lc=fpn_alt_opt + DATASET=pascal_voc0712 + array=($@) + len=3 + EXTRA_ARGS= +...
InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Shape [-1,5] has negative dimensions [[Node: leveled_rois_4 = Placeholder[dtype=DT_FLOAT, shape=[?,5], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/gpu:0"]()]] We've got an error while stopping in post-mortem: