xmrMiner-Win64 copied to clipboard
Need help please JSON decode failed(1): '[' or '{' expected near 'HTTP'
hope someone can help me out here please! When loading the miner this line keeps repeating itself in the command prompt
JSON decode failed(1): '[' or '{' expected near 'HTTP'
It still seems to be mining but I don't know what effect this may have, does anyone know how to fix this error? I have copied my .bat settings below (except crossed out my monero address):
rem this is a helper script to start xmrMiner
rem the word "rem" at the beginning of a line is a line with a comment
rem please substitude with you Monero adress set xmrAddress=
rem passwort for your mining pool (very often only a x) set poolPassword=x
rem mining pool webaddress set poolUrl=stratum+tcp://xmr.crypto-pool.fr:80
rem set here the launch param to tune xmrMiner (see xmrMiner_VERSION.exe --help), e.g. --launch=8x3 rem example: set launchParam=--launch=64x3 set launchParam=
rem greater value means more interactivity of your system but lower hash rate set bFactor=10
rem time between a kernel start set bSleep=25
xmrMiner_0.2.1.exe --url=%poolUrl% -u %xmrAddress% -p %poolPassword% %launchParam% --bfactor=%bFactor% --bsleep=%bSleep%
I have the same problem if you find a solution tell me :)
I'd like a solution too, please ;) tried diffrent ports and deactivating Malwarebytes
Port 80 is the wrong one, you have to check their tcp not ssl port
I also tried port 3333 and 6666 .... does not change anything.... still looking like its mining but still lots of Erorrs in between... -->
[2017-12-10 17:16:38] GPU #0: GeForce GTX 970, 398.15 H/s [2017-12-10 17:16:38] accepted: 1061/1075 (98.70%), 398.15 H/s (yay!!!) [2017-12-10 17:16:53] JSON decode failed(1): '[' or '{' expected near 'HTTP' [2017-12-10 17:16:53] JSON decode failed(1): '[' or '{' expected near 'HTTP' [2017-12-10 17:17:03] GPU #0: GeForce GTX 970, 396.98 H/s [2017-12-10 17:17:03] accepted: 1062/1076 (98.70%), 396.98 H/s (yay!!!)
Ok I ran this with driver and is working fine. But it could be the pool your on too. Most people went over to xmr-stak. But I still use this. I'm changing over to ccminer-x64-2.2.2-cuda7.5. I get about the same hashrate. http://ccminer.org/ hope that helps. Links are there.
Or try this supported version https://github.com/fireice-uk/xmr-stak-nvidia/releases
@auroracoin - xmr-stak does work but only at halve the hash-rate... so i'll keep using xmrminer... works better for me..
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