Results 102 issues of xmo-odoo

When using cprofile as a CLI, there can be lots of intermediate or ancillary noise in the profile. The ability to filter stacks become very useful then. It's doable using...

- [defusedxml.lxml was never production-grade, and is now deprecated](, it has multiple incompatibilities with lxml "proper" and breaks code - lxml had options around sensitive XML features, and has added...

Mercurial Queues have an extremely useful feature when trying to maintain a patch queue for e.g. multiple base branches: [patch guards]( Basically, each patch can be "tagged" positively or negatively,...

- Multi-Account Containers Version: 8.0.1 - Operating System + Version: Linux Mint 20.2 ("uma") - Firefox Version: 94.0b9 - Other installed Add-ons + Version + Enabled/Disabled-Status: ``` [email protected] Better Pull...

Method is added in odoo/odoo#101522

todo: find a better way to show them off without providing a full path? There is no reason for users to know their full path since there is no reason...

PEP 420 (blaze it) ![mur](


In V2, `StateMachine.create({target: AClass.prototype})` could be used on more or less arbitrary prototypes and just integrate STM features into that. We use that to make UI widgets (with their own...

As constraint names are constrained to pg's ubiquitous NAMEDATALEN, they will be truncated on creation of larger than 63 bytes. Because Odoo prefixes constraint names by table names, it's possible...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** [`markupsafe.Markup`]( is semantically similar to Django's `mark_safe` (or `SafeString`) ([B308](, it marks the wrapped string as passing unmodified through [`markupsafe.escape`](
