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QSpectrumanalyzer dosn't work with hackr or rtl_sdr on win10 system

Open Pronto2018 opened this issue 6 years ago • 2 comments

Hello all,

I´ve got experience with SDR, RTL-SDR and Hackrf One. I´m using Win10 + Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). Many Applications running well but I don´t get succes with


for Windows or Linux. No luck with RTL-SDR and no luck with Hackrf One.

Win 10 : QSpectrumanalyzer starts but after touchin Start-Bottom I´m getting a failure messeage with closing QSp.... Ubuntu: I don´t get success to install QSp... correctly... I don´t find a running executable file

Sorry, I´m brand new with linus / ubuntu 14.04... Succesfull was the installing of GQRX and RTL_433, but not the QSp...

Anybody there who can help me????? Thanks a lot in advance!!!



Pronto2018 avatar Apr 02 '18 14:04 Pronto2018

To get QSpectrumanalyzer to work on Windows and Linux you need to install an old version of Pothos -> PothosSDR-2017.03.12-vc14-x64.

I do not know if a Linux install of a new version of Pothos would delete the old Simple_Soapy library in the Pothos directory (Windows install does). Maybe updates would not bother it?

When I did a incremental update of PothosSDR on Windows, it removed C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\lib\SoapySDR\modules0.5 and installed C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\lib\SoapySDR\modules0.6. That is when it quit working for me.

I need the newer versions of Pothos for other reasons. Maybe someday it will be fixed. When it worked it worked well.


wb8vsu avatar Dec 02 '18 02:12 wb8vsu

I cant get QSA working on Win10 64bit either. Even when i install that version of pothos installed it does not work. Help please

tdbone1 avatar Apr 05 '19 14:04 tdbone1