XLForm copied to clipboard
InlinePickerView is hardcoded to have only one component (column)
I have implementation in branch: HiTask@b3f8d23b4cbf05c944c2ec1c4cf83554b88c51ee Picker displays multiple columns. And almost got it to display selection from passed FormValues. But it's too difficult to figure out the rest of it without knowing the inner workings of XLForm.
Maybe original XLForm developer can take my code as base and add the rest of implementation? The only thing remaining to implement is how to pass and get the values from the picker.
@romanr I took what you did as a starting point and created this branch (https://github.com/ryan-w/XLForm/tree/picker-enhancements) that supports a multi column picker.
@mtnbarreto It might be a good idea to extract the picker view from XLFormPickerCell into its own view so that it can be used in the XLFormSelectorCell as well. What do you think?
Exactly what I needed. Thanks!
Any way this could be merged into the main branch and pod? This is a great piece of functionality and really makes sense to be in the main project! @ryan-w @mtnbarreto