Eureka copied to clipboard
Footer and header duplication
After hidden/unhidden a section by doing
section.hidden = .function(["care"]) { form -> Bool in
guard let row = form.rowBy(tag: "care") as? MultipleSelectorRow<Care>,
let care = row.value else {
return true
return !careTypes.contains(where: { $0.shouldCare == true })
Hi @amadeu01 can you share a entire form definition so I can see what's going on..
private func initForm(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
healthPlanFilesSection(with: data)
personalFilesSection(with: data)
appointmentTypeSection(with: data)
addressSection(with: data)
requisitionSection(with: data)
scheduleSection(with: data)
contactSection(with: data)
extraSection(with: data)
private func healthPlanFilesSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
+++ Section()
<<< SwitchRow {
$0.title = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Title.healthPlan
$0.tag = "healthPlan"
}.onChange { [weak self] row in
guard let isHealthPlan = row.value else { return }
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.isPrivate, to: !isHealthPlan)
+++ Section(L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Header.healthPlanFiles) {
$0.hidden = .function(["healthPlan"], { form -> Bool in
guard let row = form.rowBy(tag: "healthPlan") as? RowOf<Bool> else {
return false
return row.value ?? false == false
addImageRow(for: .healthPlan, with: data)
private func personalFilesSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
form +++ Section(L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Header.personalFiles)
addImageRow(for: .personal, with: data)
private func addImageRow(for group: RDFileType.Group, with data: RequisitionFormData) {
guard let lastSection = form.allSections.last else { return }
for fileType in data.images.filter({ $ == group }) {
let uuid = UUID()
lastSection <<< ImageRow {
$0.title =
$0.tag = uuid.uuidString
}.onChange { [weak self] row in
guard let image = row.value,
let data = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.5) else { return }
self?.vm.addFile(data, for: uuid, with: fileType)
}.onRemove { [weak self] _ in
private func appointmentTypeSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
+++ Section(L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Header.careType)
<<< MultipleSelectorRow<RDCareType> {
$0.title = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Title.careType
$0.options = data.careTypes
$0.selectorTitle = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.SelectorTitle.careType
$0.tag = "careType"
.onPresent { [weak self] from, to in
to.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self?.multipleSelectorDoneButton(from)
}.onChange { [weak self] in
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.careTypes, to: Array($0.value ?? []))
<<< PushRow<RDUnity> {
$0.title = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Title.unity
$0.options = data.unities
$0.selectorTitle = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.SelectorTitle.unity
}.onChange { [weak self] in
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.unity, to: $0.value)
private func multipleSelectorDoneButton(_ from: UIViewController) -> UIBarButtonItem {
return UIBarButtonItem(
barButtonSystemItem: .done,
target: from,
action: #selector(CreateRequisitionViewController.multipleSelectorDone(_:))
private func addressSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
let section: Section
if data.addresses.isEmpty {
section = addressFormSection()
} else {
section = addressPushRowSection(with: data)
section.hidden = .function(["careType"]) { form -> Bool in
guard let row = form.rowBy(tag: "careType") as? MultipleSelectorRow<RDCareType>,
let careTypes = row.value else {
return true
return !careTypes.contains(where: { $0.shouldInformAddress == true })
form +++ section
private func addressPushRowSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) -> Section {
return Section(L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Header.address)
<<< PushRow<RDAddress> {
$0.title = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Title.address
$0.options = data.addresses
$0.selectorTitle = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.SelectorTitle.address
$0.displayValueFor = { address in return address?.name }
}.onPresent { [weak self] from, to in
to.dismissOnSelection = false
to.dismissOnChange = false
to.row.displayValueFor = { address in return address?.name }
to.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self?.multipleSelectorDoneButton(from)
.onChange { [weak self] in
guard let addressId = $0.value?.id else { return }
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.addressId, to: addressId)
private func addressFormSection() -> Section {
return sectionAddress { [weak self] keyPath, newValue in
self?.vm.addressDidChange(keyPath, to: newValue)
private func requisitionSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
+++ Section(L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Header.medialRequisition) {
$0.tag = "requisitionSection"
<<< ImageRow {
$0.title = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Title.medicalRequisition
private func scheduleSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
+++ Section(
header: L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Header.schedule,
footer: L10n.CreateRequisition.Section.Footer.schedule
) {
$0.tag = "scheduleSection"
<<< DateTimeRow {
$0.title = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Title.schedule
$0.value = Date()
$0.minimumDate = Date()
private func contactSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
+++ Section( {
$0.tag = "contactSection"
<<< phoneRow(with: data)
private func phoneRow(with data: RequisitionFormData) -> BaseRow {
if data.phoneTypes.isEmpty {
return emptyPhoneRow(with: data)
} else {
return pushPhoneRow(with: data)
private func emptyPhoneRow(with data: RequisitionFormData) -> BaseRow {
return SplitRow<PushRow<RDPhoneType>, PhoneRow> {
$0.rowLeftPercentage = 0.45
$0.rowLeft = PushRow<RDPhoneType> {
$0.selectorTitle = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.SelectorTitle.telephone
$0.options = data.phoneTypes
$0.value = data.phoneTypes.first
}.onChange { [weak self] in
guard let typeId = $0.value?.id else { return }
self?.vm.phoneDidChange(\.typeId, to: typeId)
$0.rowRight = PhoneRow {
$0.placeholder = ""
$0.formatter = PhoneFormatter()
}.onChange { [weak self] in self?.vm.phoneDidChange(\.number, to: ($0.value ?? "")) }
private func pushPhoneRow(with data: RequisitionFormData) -> BaseRow {
return PushRow<RDPhone> {
$0.title =
$0.options = data.phoneNumbers
$0.selectorTitle = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.SelectorTitle.telephone
$0.displayValueFor = { phone in return phone?.number }
}.onPresent { [weak self] from, to in
to.dismissOnSelection = false
to.dismissOnChange = false
to.row.displayValueFor = { phone in return phone?.number }
to.row.cellStyle = .value2
to.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self?.multipleSelectorDoneButton(from)
.onChange { [weak self] in
guard let phoneId = $0.value?.id else { return }
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.phoneId, to: phoneId)
private func extraSection(with data: RequisitionFormData) {
+++ Section()
<<< TextAreaRow {
$0.placeholder = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Placeholder.medicationInUse
$0.textAreaHeight = .dynamic(initialTextViewHeight: 50)
}.onChange { [weak self] in
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.medicinesInUse, to: $0.value)
<<< TextAreaRow {
$0.placeholder = L10n.CreateRequisition.Row.Placeholder.observation
$0.textAreaHeight = .dynamic(initialTextViewHeight: 50)
}.onChange { [weak self] in
self?.vm.requisition.update(\.observation, to: $0.value)
@objc func multipleSelectorDone(_ item: UIBarButtonItem) {
_ = navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
@amadeu01 Are you sure you have only one table view in the view's hierarchy?
I was able to reproduce it.
Do you have the same footer in more than one section?
@mtnbarreto replying both of your questions
I was able to reproduce it. Do you have the same footer in more than one section?
I do not.
The cell bellow the footer has other header.

@amadeu01 Are you sure you have only one table view in the view's hierarchy?
I do not have any-other table view. I only add sections and rows. All of them from eureka lib.
I have this ImageRow
, however I borrowed the code from the eureka demo. So, I do not seen another tableview.
@mtnbarreto I did a workaround of removing and adding the section with the duplicated footer. It worked, however I didn't like it.
I guess the solution would to remove and add all sections below the unhidden section.
I was trying to reproduce it in the example app but I couldn't.
I willing to help but i need a complete form to reproduce it (your posted code is incomplete), so i suggest you change HiddenRowsExample.swift
in the example app so i can take a look and we found the solution or what is causing the issue.
I don't like the workaround too.
@mtnbarreto I couldn't reproduce the error with the example project. Still trying :(
@mtnbarreto I was able to reproduce the error!!!!!!
I notice that the error only occur when I use view code.
I did the changes in this branch
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
let window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.main.bounds)
let nav = UINavigationController()
let example = HiddenRowsExample()
nav.viewControllers = [example]
window.rootViewController = nav
self.window = window
return true
The problem might be in this init
class HiddenRowsExample : FormViewController {
init() {
super.init(style: UITableView.Style.grouped)
@mtnbarreto is there any more desirable way of making a custom init for the FormController
@mtnbarreto have you had the chance of checking anything? I couldn't find the origin of the issue :(
Hi @amadeu01 , I will take a look shortly!
hi @mtnbarreto !
Have you had the chance of looking at this issue? I haven't 😢
I'll try to look at it next week, if you get some time we could pair programming to try to find out the issue 😄
Hi, I have the same issue and I notice it only on iOS 12. When I try to reproduce it on iOS 14 — nothing happens and header seems to be fine. Just in case it helps anyone.
Is there any plan to fix it in the nearest future?