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You only feel happy when you know what you doing
eg: How to extract filename and extension ```bash > FILE="example.tar.gz" > echo "${FILE%%.*}" example > echo "${FILE#*.}" tar.gz > echo "${FILE##*.}" gz ``` https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Parameter-Expansion.html
If any commit message in your push or the HEAD commit of your PR contains the strings `[skip ci]`, `[ci skip]`, `[no ci]`, `[skip actions]`, or `[actions skip]` workflows triggered...
```bash kf-config() { ./bin/kafka-configs.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --entity-type topics $@; } topics=($(./bin/kafka-topics.sh --list --zookeeper localhost:2181 | grep 'prefix.' | xargs)) for topic in "${topics[@]}"; do echo "Topic: ${topic} ..." && kf-config...
YAML is a [tricky format](https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/troubleshooting/yaml_idiosyncrasies.html). We use [yamllint](https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint), because it supports multi-documents in a single file. You can also use Kubernetes-specifics linters: - [kube-score](https://github.com/zegl/kube-score) lints your manifests and enforce good...
## Why? - Need a way to handle CSV files with quoted fields - Compatible with POSIX-standard AWK => use `goawk` ## Ref - Explain about adding CSV support https://benhoyt.com/writings/goawk-csv...
The cluster's key space is split into 16384 Một key space của cluster sẽ được chia là `16_384` slots, và mỗi master-node trong cluster sẽ chưa một sub-set của `16_384`...
> You can also just rent three p3.16xlarge AWS instance [with a hash rate of ~135GH/s](https://gist.github.com/iam1980/808f696a14b0c42b26621a01f91a8b18) each at a cost of ~$24.48 per instance per hour, for a total of...
Bình thường, có thể login vào VM tạo bởi molecule như sau: ``` mol login # or mol login --host vg-ubuntu-2004-postgresql-01 ``` Nhưng nếu muốn `scp` để đẩy một file...