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You only feel happy when you know what you doing
**Wait, doesn't HTTPS use TLS for encryption too? How are DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS different?** Each standard was developed separately and has its own RFC documentation, **but...
Prometheus is an open source system monitor toolkit built at SoundCloud that is now widely adopted. StatsD was originally a simple daemon developed by Etsy to aggregate and summarize application...
There are two main reasons that Postgres will not use an index. Either **it can’t use the index**, or **it doesn’t think using the index will be faster.** https://www.pgmustard.com/blog/why-isnt-postgres-using-my-index
Giả sử có log format như sau: ``` { "remote_addr": "$remote_addr", "remote_user": "$remote_user", "time": "$time_iso8601", "request": "$request", "status": "$status", "body_bytes_sent": "$body_bytes_sent", "http_referer": "$http_referer", "http_user_agent": "$http_user_agent", "request_length": "$request_length", "request_time": "$request_time", "proxy_upstream_name":...
Sue takes her salary of $120,000 and adds a random and relatively large number to it, say $875,500. This gives a total of $995,500. Sue shares this newly computed number...
``` with recursive activity as ( select pg_blocking_pids(pid) blocked_by, *, age(clock_timestamp(), xact_start)::interval(0) as tx_age, -- "pg_locks.waitstart" – PG14+ only; for older versions: age(clock_timestamp(), state_change) as wait_age age(clock_timestamp(), (select max(l.waitstart) from...
So many methods for fake data: - SQL - PL/pgSQL - PL/Python We have a table with schema. ```sql CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto; CREATE TABLE users ( id...
Neither: - Encrypting first and then compressing [does not work](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/2921/why-is-ciphertext-from-low-entropy-plaintext-not-compressible). - Compressing first [can leak](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/29974/13625) information about plaintext content through the ciphertext length, as poncho mentioned in comments to another...
Tệp 7.9 GB ``` -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7.9G Mar 29 05:21 gh_users.sql ``` Chỉ mã hóa bằng AES256, mất hơn 2ph ``` > time gpg --cipher-algo AES256 --symmetric --batch...