
Results 35 comments of xla

Hej @sentient currently it's not possible to set up such a query, during initial testing of the UI there have been thoughts to present a view which let's you set...

Hej @zarbis, before going further into detail have you checked the built-in [ui](https://github.com/oklog/oklog#ui)?

This sounds like an error in the UI itself. It's meant to be the go-to tool to explore your log corpus interactively. > If I understand the intent correctly, OkLog...

It would be helpful to have steps to reproduce it along with the version of Firefox being used. In general the UI hasn't been tested on any other browser than...

The reason this occurs in Firefox is due to the missing `ReadableStream` mixin which exposes `response.body` as stream. As Streams are experimental support is limited, while fortunately Chrome ships with...

@zarbis Thanks for the report, will prioritise this issue.

Bump, looks like CI got stuck. Can we get this merge?

> You are looking for `net::peer::Peer::membership` exposed from `librad`. Be aware that it is considered a bug that the return type of `net::peer::Peer::stats` contains IP addresses. @geigerzaehler If you curious...

Would this issue be more at home in the tendermint repo? Also do we have a good overview what's left to do from all involved parts to realise this grand...

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