vue-google-maps copied to clipboard
get lat-lng click on the map
hello, how can i do when clicked map get a lng lat coorditanes?
i tried this way
> <script type="text/javascript">
> import {gmapApi} from 'vue2-google-maps'
> export default{
> data(){
> return{
> markers:[
> {
> position: {lat: 10, lng: 10},
> },
> {
> position: {lat: 50, lng: 10},
> }
> ]
> }
> },
> methods: {
> mark(){
> console.log(
> }
> },
> computed: {
> google: gmapApi
> }
> }
> </script>
<q-page padding>
:center="{lat:10, lng:10}"
style="width: 100%; height: 500px"
v-for='marker in markers'
and return this values
LatLng: ƒ (a,b,c)
arguments: null
caller: null
length: 3
name: ""
prototype: {toString: ƒ, toJSON: ƒ, equals: ƒ, toUrlValue: ƒ, constructor: ƒ}
__proto__: ƒ ()
[[FunctionLocation]]: js?key=AIzaSyD8k4GDb…ueGoogleMapsInit:69
[[Scopes]]: Scopes[2]
but dont write any info lat lng
@Akifcan You can get the coordinates by calling the lat() and lng() functions like this:
mark(event) {
console.log( console.log(event.latLng.lng())
This works perfectly if
// ...
methods: {
mark(event) {
the function is work only if function is called by clicking on marker not map
Cool! @gazben. You're the best.
Thanks a lot. ❤
@meharwaheed it's not true. Maybe you had a bad try.
It worked perfect for me the first time.
Is there any way to show the coordinates, without defining @click in GmapMap?
I don't think so. Without the @click
what coordinates do you wnat to query?
I want to show lat and lng but I don't want to put @click in GmapMap
Using the bounds_changed event, I can see these results in the console. I hope it can be useful in some cases.
// vue2-google-maps in Nuxt 2.15.3
<gmap-map //.... @bounds_changed="setCoordinates" @dragend="coordinates" //dragend >
data() { return { coordinatesMap: null, } }, methods: { setCoordinates(newCoordinates) { this.coordinatesMap = newCoordinates }, coordinates() { //Do something console.log(this.coordinatesMap.Ab) console.log(this.coordinatesMap.Ua) }, }
// Console { "h": 47.371524727114014, "j": 47.395845736123185 } { "h": -1.2169070898230872, "j": -1.183604782694181 } /***** I think it is associated with *****/ { "south": 47.371524727114014, "west": -1.2169070898230872, "north": 47.395845736123185, "east": -1.183604782694181 }