
Results 40 comments of Jack

Based on utils.py ```python def check_calendar_permissions(function): @wraps(function) def decorator(request, *args, **kwargs): if CALENDAR_VIEW_PERM: user = request.user if not user: return HttpResponseRedirect(settings.LOGIN_URL) ``` Please add `CALENDAR_VIEW_PERM = True` in your settings.

Just to reconfirm @mpaolino 's solution works, here is an example of weekly event starting 10AM every Sunday regardlessly. get_occurrence() with local time is consistent even daylight start. ```python import...

Just double confirm that @Lucianovici 's solution of adding `tzinfo` works across day light saving days. ``` period = Period(events, start_date, end_date, tzinfo=start_date.tzinfo) return period.get_occurrences() ``` https://github.com/llazzaro/django-scheduler/issues/304#issuecomment-348757970

is SCHEDULER_BASE_CLASSES removed since 0.8.7? https://github.com/llazzaro/django-scheduler/blob/develop/CHANGELOG#L73

When I used [model_util's UUIDField](https://django-model-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/fields.html#uuidfield), it failed. Thus I switched to use [Django's models.UUIDField](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/models/fields/#uuidfield), it worked.

Here is my settings with `serialize=False`, hope it work ```python import pghistory from django.db import models class MyModel(models.Model): id = models.UUIDField(default=uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False) class MyModelsHistory(pghistory.get_event_model( MyModel, pghistory.Snapshot('mymodel.snapshot'), name='MyModelsHistory', related_name='history',...

Hi Wesley, I am wondering if I can use aggregate event as a "master document collection". For example there are three classes: People, Address and Contact. When app user changes...

Thanks for offering the documentation. I did NOT upgrade to version 2 ( currently on 1.5.0 with Django 3.2). However, the migration failed recently, perhaps it still pull the latest...

Arrh, I just found that running 1.5.1 with `PGTRIGGER_MIGRATIONS=False` will get no errors but also no records in history table. Time to update....

Thanks, I can confirm the above combination of both PGTRIGGER_MIGRATIONS False + PGTRIGGER_INSTALL_ON_MIGRATE True in settings can restore pghistory version 1 behavior of storing events. Now I've successfully upgraded to...