@waallf I have the same issue. Have you resolved the issue? I don't know how to solved it now.
you can see the data/readme and it can tell you how to get it.
i can't download the data. how do you get it can you tell me please!
thank you! i had solved it.
@susan025 不好意思,刚刚看到邮件消息。我已经解决了,这个是因为VGG_imagenet.npy 损坏了,我重新下载了一个预训练模型文件。 下面是我自己下载的 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QdGR0k50g5TFnBUSlhuXgA 提取码:wquf
@wzyforgit 你好,请问v3版本你使用pnnx转ncnn转换成功了吗?我使用nihui编译pnnx教程,进行转换,一直不成功,出现debug.param debug2.param
@wzyforgit 好的,多谢
@sunyclj 我是将predict.py脚本中的第129行 model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path, map_location=args.device)) 改为 model.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path, map_location=args.device), False) 就可以了,模型是在gpu上训练的,然后在cpu上进行加载会报这个错误