作者你好,出现这个问题是您的readme中少写了一步:进入gliding vertex项目后也要执行python setup.py build develop。
loss = model(imgs.to(device), targets, requestPrecision=True), IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), None and long or byte Variables are valid indices (got numpy.float32) it seems like targets can't be float32.
> same problem, waiting for suggestion! c++ compile error (while execute command ‘bash compile_op.sh’)。change a computer is ok. >
so loss is changing like this, the train is effective?
plus the function 'ops.bfs_cluster'. These two functions are highly encapsulated by the C language and cannot understand the meaning。这两个函数都被C语言高度封装,无法理解意义
I find that the reconstruction quality is good in the outside environment whose view is very wide. But too many floaters in a room. Maybe the camera is too close...