transparent.nvim icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
transparent.nvim copied to clipboard

Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent


Remove all background colors to make nvim transparent.



Example config

  enable = true, -- boolean: enable transparent
  extra_groups = { -- table/string: additional groups that should be cleared
    -- In particular, when you set it to 'all', that means all available groups

    -- example of akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua
  exclude = {}, -- table: groups you don't want to clear

You can also set the groups option to override the default groups.

The default groups: Normal NormalNC Comment Constant Special Identifier Statement PreProc Type Underlined Todo String Function Conditional Repeat Operator Structure LineNr NonText SignColumn CursorLineNr.

The global variable g:transparent_enabled has greater priority to option enable. Some plugins or themes support setting transparency, and you can use this variable as a flag. eg: vim.g.tokyonight_transparent = vim.g.transparent_enabled

Disable by default

let g:transparent_enabled = v:false



