Fusion icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Fusion copied to clipboard

Rust bindings

Open avsaase opened this issue 9 months ago • 2 comments

Hi, thanks for your work. I would like to use this algorithm in a Rust project. I considered porting the code but then I found this comment where you stated you'd prefer wrapping the C library. I don't know C all that well but I would like to give this a try. Would a Rust library be in scope for this repository?

avsaase avatar Dec 05 '23 08:12 avsaase

I've ported this library to Rust and just published it hour ago Please look at https://github.com/mark2b/imu-fusion-rs It is not binding, but Rust native implementation

mark2b avatar Dec 05 '23 08:12 mark2b

It sounds like @mark2b has what you need.

It is within the scope of this repository to provide a Rust library that wraps the C library, but we are unlikely to make progress on this until required by a project or client.

xioTechnologies avatar Dec 05 '23 23:12 xioTechnologies