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Why is GUPNet classified into the single shot category?
This a question worth discussing. In fact, although GUPNet uses RoIAlign, it did not generate proposals. I mean, it does not include a RPN. It still outputs the results from each feature cell, like other one-stage detectors. The difference is that it uses the 2D bounding boxes as proposals and crops the features for 3D detection, so the predictions of 2D parts and 3D parts are cascaded, instead of in parallel. Based on this, we group this method into one stage detector.
@xinzhuma 我现在是在北航读研,目前是研三,我的毕业课题就是做单目3D目标检测的。如果顺利的话可能这个月就能写完毕设相关的工作了,所以我想如果3月导师那边认为没问题了,后续毕业之前还有几个月时间可以做一些相关工作,也很荣幸能跟大佬一起合作。
@xinzhuma 我现在是在北航读研,目前是研三,我的毕业课题就是做单目3D目标检测的。如果顺利的话可能这个月就能写完毕设相关的工作了,所以我想如果3月导师那边认为没问题了,后续毕业之前还有几个月时间可以做一些相关工作,也很荣幸能跟大佬一起合作。
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