> Gave this a shot locally but seems like it doesn't quit work: > > ``` > Traceback (most recent call last): > File "/private/var/tmp/_bazel_snowp/c1591b76b8a2fcd15b6ff3cd34fdd7da/execroot/__main__/bazel-out/darwin_arm64-fastbuild/bin/external/hedron_compile_commands/refresh_all.runfiles/hedron_compile_commands/", line 675, in > _get_files.source_extensions...
Currently feature/swift-support is broken, but it conflicts too much with feature/file-based-filter. I temporarily rebase the two features into one branch I will continue to work after #99
> @xinzhengzhang I tried the bis-support-rb4 branch and it works great on my project, except when I add a library that uses `swift_compiler_plugin`, where I get the error `external macro...
@joprice Delayed for a few days due to the need to upgrade the swift version I would like to ask what is your environment? My environment is Sourcekit-lsp: Built-in version...
I saw a similar problem with softlink #464 , but I don't think restricting traversal through .gitignore is the same thing as this. From the documentation it seems that...
I would like to ask if #1036 will be merged? It seems that the last update of this was last October
For minimal changes, I currently add such a patch to achieve it. ``` diff --git a/xcodeproj/internal/automatic_target_info.bzl b/xcodeproj/internal/automatic_target_info.bzl index 4b72b8fb..8700d096 100644 --- a/xcodeproj/internal/automatic_target_info.bzl +++ b/xcodeproj/internal/automatic_target_info.bzl @@ -218,6 +218,10 @@ def calculate_automatic_target_info(ctx,...
As [rules_kotlin]( the community does not support native and has many missing major features downstream, such as: 1. Support for [Gradle module]( in rules_jvm_external 2. Support for Bzlmod And I...
Bazel 6.3 will support `implementation_deps` in objc_library( it seems that we need to support this attribute as well
> Header-only targets will still present a problem, I think, since they don't have any compile actions in the targets that list them in attrs. Any ideas on how we...