Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan copied to clipboard
How to convert fintuned RealESRGAN_x4plus pytorch pth file into ncnn-vulkan weight file
How to config *.param file and convert fintuned RealESRGAN_x4plus model file into bin file,so that the Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan can use customized model file.
There is pth2ncnn.exe in cubscale but sadly it's not working anymore, I have been searching for an already converted models, but no luck.
I use cupscale for that, just throw the .pth in it and try to upscale something and it will throw a error message. Ignore that and go to cupscale Data -> Models. The .bin and .param will be there. It doesnt work with any models, but most of the time it does. I dont know why, i dont have the know how provided to answer that, but it does the job. But i use the "Cupscale - updated - cpuonly FORK" not the original one.
E: Found a guide to convert .pth into ncnn compatible files using chainner:! Should work according to a few users