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Mask-RCNN implementation in MXNet

Results 9 maskrcnn.mxnet issues
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When I run the training code, I get this error. But I can't find the API 'mx.contrib.sym.ChannelOperator' in mxnet. Dose anyone meet the same error?

Ubuntu16.04 Processor: i5-7500CPU @3.40GHz x 4 Memory:15.6G Graphics: GTX960 4G I am run "./". I am get this error: INFO:root:lr 0.001000 lr_epoch_diff [12, 18] lr_iters [984960, 1477440] [03:09:44] src/operator/nn/./cudnn/./cudnn_algoreg-inl.h:107: Running...

When I perform the code, I met the problem "No module named "rcnn.cython.bbox"". I find that there eixts bbox.pyx. After I install VS2015, the problem still exits. Is there anybody...

![image]( ![image]( the result of roialign is not correct. but use roipooling is ok.

when i try to training according the first step, it appear a error that No module named bbox(maskrcnn.mxnet-master\rcnn\processing\ from ..cython.bbox import bbox_overlaps_cython)

can you please share the pretrained model?

When I run the "python --gpu 0 --prefix model/e2e --epoch 10", the error is "maskrcnn.mxnet/rcnn/core/", line 269, in _impl raise RuntimeError("%s is not presented" % name) RuntimeError: rpn_conv_3x3_weight is...

I try to use --gpus=0,1,2,3 to train ,but get error: >>raise MXNetError(py_str(_LIB.MXGetLastError())) >>mxnet.base.MXNetError: Error in operator rois: Shape inconsistent, Provided=(1,3), inferred shape=(4,3) How to fix the params?

I trained the model with "python --gpus 0 --prefix model/e2e --end_epoch 10". Following is the error message. It seems like a problem in reading mask files. But I can't...