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An online English-Chinese-Japanese dictionary for the terms of Genshin Impact

Genshin Dictionary

Genshin Dictionary (Japanese: 原神英語・中国語辞典) is an online English-Chinese-Japanese dictionary containing the terms in Genshin Impact.

Want to add or modify translations?

This repository only contains the Web UI for Genshin Dictionary and the translation dataset is in genshin-langdata repository. If you want to contribute this project by adding new words or fixing wrong translations, this repository is not the one you are looking for.


Genshin Dictionary is a website based on Nuxt 3. You may need experience in (or need to learn) following technology stack to contribute this project:

  • JavaScript (ES2015+)
  • Nuxt 3
  • Vue 3 (Composition API)
  • Scss (Understanding for BEM is required)


  • Node.js: The latest LTS version recommended
  • npm: The latest version recommended
  • (Windows only) PowerShell 7+
    • Some npm scripts needs && support


$ cd /path/to/genshin-dictionary
$ npm ci
$ npm run dev

Then open http://localhost:3000/ to view your local Genshin Dictionary.

Test & Lint

$ npm test
$ npm run lint

npm test runs E2E tests by Playwright. If you use Linux, you need to install system dependencies. On Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based distributions, you can install dependencies automatically with following command:

$ sudo npx playwright install-deps

Update translation dataset

Translation dataset is fetched after npm install or npm ci. To update it, run npm ci again.