my win 2008 x64 also shows: [+] Detected kernel ntoskrnl.exe [-] Fail to alloc null page!
可以利用pandas来做: import pandas as pd fdist=nltk.FreqDist(dist) ser=pd.Series(fdist) sersort = ser.sort_values()#按照升序排列 dist_min = sersort.index[0:50].tolist()#取出频率最小的前50个操作命令 dist_max = sersort.index[-50:].tolist()#取出频率最大的最后50个操作命令
If you use xmr-stak on windows, I suggest you use a softmate called proxifier, It can proxy for the softmate which not supports proxy.
If you use xmr-stak on windows, I suggest you use a softmate called proxifier, It can proxy for the softmate which not supports proxy.