Efficient-Segmentation-Networks copied to clipboard
(-215:Assertion failed) !ssize.empty() in function 'resize'
/home/ll/anaconda3/envs/t1.2/bin/python /media/ll/L/Efficient-Segmentation-Networks/train.py
=====> input size:(512, 1024)
Namespace(batch_size=4, classes=19, cuda=True, dataset='cityscapes', gpus='0', input_size='512,1024', logFile='log.txt', lr=0.0005, lr_schedule='warmpoly', max_epochs=1000, model='FastSCNN', num_cycles=1, num_workers=4, optim='adam', poly_exp=0.9, random_mirror=True, random_scale=True, resume='', savedir='./checkpoint/', train_type='trainval', use_focal=True, use_label_smoothing=False, use_lovaszsoftmax=False, use_ohem=False, warmup_factor=0.3333333333333333, warmup_iters=500)
=====> use gpu id: '0'
=====> set Global Seed: 1234
=====> building network
=====> computing network parameters and FLOPs
the number of parameters: 1138051 ==> 1.14 M
find file: ./dataset/inform/cityscapes_inform.pkl
length of dataset: 122
length of dataset: 59
=====> Dataset statistics
data['classWeights']: [ 1.4705521 9.505282 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059
10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059
10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059 10.492059
5.131664 ]
mean and std: [72.3924 82.90902 73.158325] [45.319206 46.15292 44.91484 ]
single GPU for training
=====> beginning training
=====> the number of iterations per epoch: 30
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/media/ll/L/Efficient-Segmentation-Networks/train.py", line 401, in
Process finished with exit code 1
I use the dataset is cityscapes but have a error: ValueError: num_samples should be a positive integer value, but got num_samples=0 .what should be do