Xiaogang Xu
Xiaogang Xu
You can test the model on unpaired images qualitatively. For example, set the path of LQ and GT path to be the same for your testing image paths.
Hello: In the collection of SMID, the low-light images are collected by short exposure with different times, and the corresponding normal-light image is obtained by long exposure. Thus, in the...
Yes, you can also train the model to output the image directly. We find that predicting residual can lead to better results, and this is why we adopt residual learning.
Thanks for your attention in our work. My network name is “SNR-aware Low-light Image Enhancement Network” with abbr. as SNR-LLIE-Net.
Hello, you can first use cv2.imread to read the image with the format of png, and then use np.save to save it as the npy.
Hello, SDSD is collected in the sRGB domain and has no RAW data. If you can capture the RAW data by yourself, you can use the rawpy to transfer RAW...
Please first compile the library of DCN, then run the code.