react-lines-ellipsis copied to clipboard
Type definitions for this package
Any chance you could add type definitions to this package?
I would appreciate it as well
I had the same problem when using typescript, need it as well
It would be very useful to have the typings :+1
I'm not familiar with typed React. PR would be very welcomed.
i started with this (not complete):
declare module "react-lines-ellipsis" {
type ExpandCollapseProps = {
text: string;
maxLine: Number;
component?: string;
onClick?: Function;
basedOn?: string;
ellipsis?: string;
declare class ExpandCollapse extends React.Component<ExpandCollapseProps> {}
export default ExpandCollapse;
anybody feel free to continue and add all props
@digitalkaoz I also write a definitions below:
declare module 'react-lines-ellipsis' {
import * as React from 'react';
interface ReactLinesEllipsisProps {
/** Split by letters or words. By default it uses a guess based on your text **/
basedOn?: 'letters' | 'words';
className?: string;
/** The tagName of the rendered node. Default div **/
component?: string;
/** Text content of the ellipsis. Default … **/
ellipsis?: string;
/** Max count of lines allowed. Default 1 **/
maxLine?: number | string;
/** Callback function invoked when the reflow logic complete **/
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
onReflow?: ({ clamped, text }: { clamped: boolean; text: string }) => any;
/** The text you want to clamp **/
text?: string;
/** Trim right the clamped text to avoid putting the ellipsis on an empty line. Default true **/
trimRight?: boolean;
/** for the HOC **/
winWidth?: number;
/** Is the text content clamped **/
isClamped?: () => boolean;
class LinesEllipsis extends React.Component<ReactLinesEllipsisProps> {
static defaultProps?: ReactLinesEllipsisProps;
export default LinesEllipsis;
and import in my file:
import * as LinesEllipsis from 'react-lines-ellipsis'
but then I got ts2604 error, not sure why this happened
@digitalkaoz I also write a definitions below:
declare module 'react-lines-ellipsis' { import * as React from 'react'; interface ReactLinesEllipsisProps { /** Split by letters or words. By default it uses a guess based on your text **/ basedOn?: 'letters' | 'words'; className?: string; /** The tagName of the rendered node. Default div **/ component?: string; /** Text content of the ellipsis. Default … **/ ellipsis?: string; /** Max count of lines allowed. Default 1 **/ maxLine?: number | string; /** Callback function invoked when the reflow logic complete **/ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any onReflow?: ({ clamped, text }: { clamped: boolean; text: string }) => any; /** The text you want to clamp **/ text?: string; /** Trim right the clamped text to avoid putting the ellipsis on an empty line. Default true **/ trimRight?: boolean; /** for the HOC **/ winWidth?: number; /** Is the text content clamped **/ isClamped?: () => boolean; } class LinesEllipsis extends React.Component<ReactLinesEllipsisProps> { static defaultProps?: ReactLinesEllipsisProps; } export default LinesEllipsis; }
and import in my file:
import * as LinesEllipsis from 'react-lines-ellipsis'
but then I got ts2604 error, not sure why this happened
After two options enabled in tsconfig.json, the error had gone, everything is ok now Here is my change:
"compilerOptions": {
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true
I built on the above and came up with this as I also needed to use the responsive HOC. Make sure you add the folder for the declaration file to your tsconfig. Hope this helps somebody in the future.
// tsconfig.json
"compilierOptions": {
"typeRoots": ["./node_modules/@types", "./src/@types"]
// /src/@types/react-lines-ellipsis/index.d.ts
declare module "react-lines-ellipsis" {
import * as React from "react";
interface ReactLinesEllipsisProps {
basedOn?: "letters" | "words";
className?: string;
component?: string;
ellipsis?: string;
isClamped?: () => boolean;
maxLine?: number | string;
onReflow?: ({ clamped, text }: { clamped: boolean; text: string }) => any;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
text?: string;
trimRight?: boolean;
winWidth?: number;
class LinesEllipsis extends React.Component<ReactLinesEllipsisProps> {
static defaultProps?: ReactLinesEllipsisProps;
export default LinesEllipsis;
declare module "react-lines-ellipsis/lib/responsiveHOC" {
import * as React from "react";
export default function responsiveHOC(): <P>(
WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P>,
) => React.ComponentClass<P>;
@keithort,this works for me! @xiaody / @keithort , can we arrange this to be merged as a PR? If not, maybe a DefinitelyTyped entry?
(I'm happy to help out in either situation)
@keithort,this works for me! @xiaody / @keithort , can we arrange this to be merged as a PR? If not, maybe a DefinitelyTyped entry?
(I'm happy to help out in either situation)
Feel free to.
I made a DefinitelyTyped PR: Feel free to review it and suggest changes if necessary. From my testing, it works fine.
Edit: PR is merged
@angeloaltamiranom, it seems you forgot to add the text property for LinesEllipsisLoose
For anyone who wants to import the types:
npm install --save @types/react-lines-ellipsis
Hey guys, when using the typed package, I'm not able to pass an HTML element to the ellipsis props as the example in the following link did: Can any one help here?