> If you want automation options, you should program them. Means program them in "class MiBeaconConv(Converter):"? Thanks
> 1. Hass can't autodetect all triggers for some specific devices. Developers needs to add all possible triggers manually via code like this: > > 2. It's not necessary...
> @xiaodongyichuan Please give me your code ,I have the same problem with the Linptech Bluetooth Wireless Switch (3 Keys), PID 3581, [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), thank you 这不需要写代码,你看一下你按按键的时候在设备页面的日志里面有没有对应的状态变化,设置自动化的时候选择实体状态,填写对应的日志状态变化数值就可以啦。