Semantic-Segmentation-CRF copied to clipboard
Using deeplabv3 and deeplabv3+ models to do stacking, and CRF.
- Python 3.x
- TensorFlow 1.10.0
- CUDA 9.0
Get deeplabv3 and deeplabv3+ results
I've used three models that are deeplabv3 trained on PASCALVOC2012 train+aug dataset and its backbone is resnet_v2_101、deeplabv3+ trained on PASCAL VOC2012 train+aug and its backbone is xception_65、deeplabv3+ trained on PASCAL VOC2012 train+val and its backbone is Xception_65.To be honest, deeplabv3 is my own work,and I refer to this repo about deeplabv3+:deeplabv3+
PASCAL dataset
- PASCAL VOC training/validation data, specifying the location with '--data_dir'.
augmented segmentation label
(Thanks to DrSleep), specifying the location with
. -
model, specifying the location with
. - For training, you need to download and extract
pre-trained Resnet v2 101 model
from slim
specifying the location with
First, we convert original data to the Tensorflow TFRecord format to accelerate training seep.
python --data_dir DATA_DIR \
--image_data_dir IMAGE_DATA_DIR \
--label_data_dir LABEL_DATA_DIR
then start training model as follow:
python --model_dir MODEL_DIR \
--pre_trained_model PRE_TRAINED_MODEL \
--batch_size 16 \
--train_epochs 46 \
--data_dir DATA_DIR
MODEL_DIR is the directory contains checkpoints.--batch_size 16 because I use TITAN V(16GB)
To evaluate how model perform, you can do this with saved checkpoints:
python --image_data_dir IMAGE_DATA_DIR \
--label_data_dir IMAGE_DATA_DIR \
--evaluation_data_list EVALUATION_DATA_LIST \
--model_dir MODEL_DIR
The current best model build by this implementation achieves 75.72% mIOU on the PASCAL VOC 2012 test dataset. I also try to train this model on MS_COCO dataset, respectively used all images and only 21-class images.
Method | Dataset | OS | mIOU | |
paper | deeplabv3 | PASCAL VOC 2012 train | 16 | 77.21% |
repo | deeplabv3 | PASCAL VOC 2012 train+aug | 16 | 75.72% |
repo | deeplabv3 | MS-COCO 21-class | 16 | 69.11% |
repo | deeplabv3 | MS-COCO 91-class | 16 | 56.34% |
To apply semantic segmentation to your image, you can do as follow:
python --data_dir DATA_DIR \
--infer_data_list INFER_DATA_LIST \
--model_dir MODEL_DIR \
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Running the train/eval/vis jobs
A local training job using xception_65
can be run with the following command:
# From tensorflow/models/research/
python deeplab/ \
--logtostderr \
--training_number_of_steps=30000 \
--train_split="train" \
--model_variant="xception_65" \
--atrous_rates=6 \
--atrous_rates=12 \
--atrous_rates=18 \
--output_stride=16 \
--decoder_output_stride=4 \
--train_crop_size=513 \
--train_crop_size=513 \
--train_batch_size=1 \
--dataset="pascal_voc_seg" \
--tf_initial_checkpoint=${PATH_TO_INITIAL_CHECKPOINT} \
--train_logdir=${PATH_TO_TRAIN_DIR} \
where ${PATH_TO_INITIAL_CHECKPOINT} is the path to the initial checkpoint (usually an ImageNet pretrained checkpoint), ${PATH_TO_TRAIN_DIR} is the directory in which training checkpoints and events will be written to, and ${PATH_TO_DATASET} is the directory in which the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset resides.
Note that for {train,eval,vis}.py:
In order to reproduce our results, one needs to use large batch size (> 12), and set fine_tune_batch_norm = True. Here, we simply use small batch size during training for the purpose of demonstration. If the users have limited GPU memory at hand, please fine-tune from our provided checkpoints whose batch norm parameters have been trained, and use smaller learning rate with fine_tune_batch_norm = False.
The users should change atrous_rates from [6, 12, 18] to [12, 24, 36] if setting output_stride=8.
The users could skip the flag,
, if you do not want to use the decoder structure.
A local evaluation job using xception_65
can be run with the following
# From tensorflow/models/research/
python deeplab/ \
--logtostderr \
--eval_split="val" \
--model_variant="xception_65" \
--atrous_rates=6 \
--atrous_rates=12 \
--atrous_rates=18 \
--output_stride=16 \
--decoder_output_stride=4 \
--eval_crop_size=513 \
--eval_crop_size=513 \
--dataset="pascal_voc_seg" \
--checkpoint_dir=${PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT} \
--eval_logdir=${PATH_TO_EVAL_DIR} \
where ${PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT} is the path to the trained checkpoint (i.e., the path to train_logdir), ${PATH_TO_EVAL_DIR} is the directory in which evaluation events will be written to, and ${PATH_TO_DATASET} is the directory in which the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset resides.
A local visualization job using xception_65
can be run with the following
# From tensorflow/models/research/
python deeplab/ \
--logtostderr \
--vis_split="val" \
--model_variant="xception_65" \
--atrous_rates=6 \
--atrous_rates=12 \
--atrous_rates=18 \
--output_stride=16 \
--decoder_output_stride=4 \
--vis_crop_size=513 \
--vis_crop_size=513 \
--dataset="pascal_voc_seg" \
--checkpoint_dir=${PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT} \
--vis_logdir=${PATH_TO_VIS_DIR} \
where ${PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT} is the path to the trained checkpoint (i.e., the path to train_logdir), ${PATH_TO_VIS_DIR} is the directory in which evaluation events will be written to, and ${PATH_TO_DATASET} is the directory in which the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset resides. Note that if the users would like to save the segmentation results for evaluation server, set also_save_raw_predictions = True.
To do stacking, you should use different checkpoints and dataset to get 2 results.
now you get three results, and then do stacking. The stacking rule is vote, choose the most possible label about every pixel through above three results. Do as follow:
python --path_val PATH_VAL \
--path_aug PATH_AUG \
--path_ori PATH_ORI \
--path_stacking PATH_STACKING
PATH_VAL、PATH_AUG、PATH_ORI are the directories contains three results, PATH_STACKING is the path to output.
Do as follow, then you can get the result after denseCRF.
python --image_data_dir IMAGE_DATA_DIR \
--label_data_dir LABEL_DATA_DIR \
--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR \
--test_data_list TEST_DATA_LIST
IMAGE_DATA_DIR is the path of original images, LABEL_DATA_DIR is the path of segmentation results. you can view all results through the following table.
Method | Dataset | OS | mIOU | |
paper | deeplabv3 | PASCAL VOC 2012 train | 16 | 77.21% |
repo | deeplabv3 | PASCAL VOC 2012 train+aug | 16 | 75.72% |
repo | deeplabv3 | MS-COCO 21-class | 16 | 69.11% |
repo | deeplabv3 | MS-COCO 31-class | 16 | 56.34% |
paper | deeplabv3+ | PASCAL VOC 2012 train+aug | 16 | 83.68 |
paper | deeplabv3+ | PASCAL VOC 2012 train+val | 16 | 87.8 |
repo | deeplabv3+deeplabv3++deeplabv3+ | - | - | 88.1 |
repo | deeplabv3+deeplabv3++deeplabv3++denseCRF | - | - | 84.12 |
You can get more details in my blog