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关于源码中使用unix.PivotRoot(".", ".")来切换rootfs的不解
在runc项目中的实现是使用了unix.PivotRoot(".", ".")
来切换rootfs的,而这个系统调用我在man page上看到的说明是两个目录是不能相同的,请问一下这句代码要怎么理解呢?
书本上是使用了syscall.Mount(root, root,”bind”, syscall.MS_BIND|syscall.MS_REC, ””)
// While the documentation may claim otherwise, pivot_root(".", ".") is
// actually valid. What this results in is / being the new root but
// /proc/self/cwd being the old root. Since we can play around with the cwd
// with pivot_root this allows us to pivot without creating directories in
// the rootfs. Shout-outs to the LXC developers for giving us this idea.
The following restrictions apply to new_root and put_old:
- They must be directories.
- new_root and put_old must not be on the same filesystem as the
current root.
- put_old must be underneath new_root, that is, adding a nonzero
number of /.. to the string pointed to by put_old must yield the
same directory as new_root.
- No other filesystem may be mounted on put_old.
povit_root的新目录不能和原来的root目录在一个文件系统上,这一句相当与命令行的mount -o bind root root,虽然是同一个文件,但是挂载以后就不在同一个文件系统下了.如果不加上这一句是不能执行povit_root的
如果用命令行的话,不执行unshare -m也是不能执行povit_root的,那这里的代码,哪里有相同的功能呢?有大佬解答吗?
如果用命令行的话,不执行unshare -m也是不能执行povit_root的,那这里的代码,哪里有相同的功能呢?有大佬解答吗?
请问老哥问题解决了吗 我查了下好像都说是需要unshare -m才可以
povit_root的新目录不能和原来的root目录在一个文件系统上,这一句相当与命令行的mount -o bind root root,虽然是同一个文件,但是挂载以后就不在同一个文件系统下了.如果不加上这一句是不能执行povit_root的
饶有兴趣地翻到了这个历史的 issue。在 2024 年初看这个问题,能找到很多资料,给看到的同学一点帮助
确实有 balabala 的限制new_root and put_old must not be on the same mount as the current root.
- 但是,(或许是后面添加的) 在 man-page 还有一小节,解释了
pivot_root(".", ".")
pivot_root(".", ".")
new_root and put_old may be the same directory. In particular,
the following sequence allows a pivot-root operation without
needing to create and remove a temporary directory:
pivot_root(".", ".");
umount2(".", MNT_DETACH);
This sequence succeeds because the pivot_root() call stacks the
old root mount point on top of the new root mount point at /. At
that point, the calling process's root directory and current
working directory refer to the new root mount point (new_root).
During the subsequent umount() call, resolution of "." starts
with new_root and then moves up the list of mounts stacked at /,
with the result that old root mount point is unmounted.
pivot_root(".", ".")
确实按想法将 new_root 挂载在了 "/",并且 put_old 也挂载在了 rootfs 变更后的 "/" 上;因为两者存在一个执行先后,组织成了一个 栈(stack),也就是说,put_old 堆叠在了 new_root 上面。 -
当后续执行 umount 时,卸载的是栈顶的 put_old,这样就完成了一个 "no-pivot" (也就是无支点) rootfs 切换。
当做支点切换 rootfs。因为这个妙用,runc 实现了 work with a completely read-only rootfs。有理由相信,当时是一个 trick,因为 Aleksa Sarai 说是 LXC developers 给的 idea,具体的 commit 见引用 2 - 执行
pivot_root(".", ".")
时 workDir 即/proc/self/cwd
- pivot_root(2) — Linux manual page
- Related PR and discussion in
rootfs: make pivot_root not use a temporary directory