Seen on six devices (see attached Front ticket) [Front conversations](https://app.frontapp.com/open/top_hyiz)
Observed on numerous devices running the following: ``` Device type: Raspberry Pi 3 OS version: balenaOS 2.58.3+rev1 Supervisor version: 11.14.0 ``` we were not able to reproduce internally.
``` Device type: ((type of)) TX2 OS version: balenaOS 2.58.6+rev2 Supervisor version: 11.14.0 ``` Sometimes the networking for the containers is broken after upgrading to 11.14.0.
``` Device type: Intel NUC OS version: balenaOS 2.50.1+rev1 Supervisor version: 11.4.10 ``` pushing a new release "fixed" the issue
As noted in https://github.com/grafana/grafana-plugin-repository/pull/280#issuecomment-470671118