JMCCC copied to clipboard
A powerful open-source library for launching and downloading Minecraft.
A powerful open-source library for launching and downloading Minecraft.
JMCCC is licensed under the MIT license.
- Launches all versions of Minecraft
- Scalable authentication
- Supports Yggdrasil/Offline, and can be extended
- Downloads all versions of Minecraft
- Supports Forge/Liteloader
- Supports Liteloader snapshots
- Customizable download source
- Asynchronous task system
- Supports BIO/NIO
- Can work on top of Apache HttpAsyncClient or JDK
- Supports caching
- Can work on top of Ehcache or javax.cache
- Different strategies for different files
- Supports Forge/Liteloader
- Mojang API supports
- Game profiles lookup
- Fetches/Uploads textures
- Fetches account information
- Fetches name history
- Blocked servers checking
Quick Start
Dependency | Description |
org.to2mbn:jmccc |
Minecraft launching feature. |
org.to2mbn:jmccc-yggdrasil-authenticator |
Yggdrasil authentication feature. |
org.to2mbn:jmccc-mcdownloader |
Minecraft downloading feature. |
org.to2mbn:jmccc-mojang-api |
Mojang API client. |
The snapshot repository:
Launching Minecraft
MinecraftDirectory dir = new MinecraftDirectory("/home/user/.minecraft");
Launcher launcher = LauncherBuilder.buildDefault();
launcher.launch(new LaunchOption("1.10", YggdrasilAuthenticator.password("<email>", "<password>"), dir));
You can replace YggdrasilAuthenticator.password("<email>", "<password>")
with new OfflineAuthenticator("<username>")
if you want to use offline authentication.
Downloading Minecraft
MinecraftDirectory dir = new MinecraftDirectory("/home/user/.minecraft");
MinecraftDownloader downloader = MinecraftDownloaderBuilder.buildDefault();
downloader.downloadIncrementally(dir, "1.10", new CallbackAdapter<Version>() {
public void failed(Throwable e) {
// when the task fails
public void done(Version result) {
// when the task finishes
public void cancelled() {
// when the task cancels
public <R> DownloadCallback<R> taskStart(DownloadTask<R> task) {
// when a new sub download task starts
// return a DownloadCallback to listen the status of the task
return new CallbackAdapter<R>() {
public void done(R result) {
// when the sub download task finishes
public void failed(Throwable e) {
// when the sub download task fails
public void cancelled() {
// when the sub download task cancels
public void updateProgress(long done, long total) {
// when the progress of the sub download task has updated
public void retry(Throwable e, int current, int max) {
// when the sub download task fails, and the downloader decides to retry the task
// in this case, failed() won't be called
You can pass a null
callback if you don't want to monitor the whole task.
You can also return null
in taskStart()
if you don't want to monitor sub tasks.
Don't forget to shutdown the downloader when you are no longer going to use it.
Downloading Forge/Liteloader
MinecraftDirectory dir = new MinecraftDirectory("/home/user/.minecraft");
ForgeDownloadProvider forgeProvider = new ForgeDownloadProvider();
LiteloaderDownloadProvider liteloaderProvider = new LiteloaderDownloadProvider();
MinecraftDownloader downloader = MinecraftDownloaderBuilder.create()
downloader.downloadIncrementally(dir, "1.8-forge1.8-", new CallbackAdapter<Version>() {...});
downloader.downloadIncrementally(dir, "1.7.10-LiteLoader1.7.10", new CallbackAdapter<Version>() {...});, new CallbackAdapter<ForgeVersionList>() {...});, new CallbackAdapter<LiteloaderVersionList>() {...});
FML options
JMCCC won't add fml options (such as -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true
and -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true
) to the command line automatically.
If you have problems launching forge, you may need to add these arguments manually.
These arguments are already defined in class ExtraArgumentsTemplates