问题1:好像因为Inner Thoughts已经给出计算结果了,所以Command和Tool Responses都为None,表示不需要调用Calculate插件了? 问题2:我盲猜一波,Moss结果被人为适当修正了,但忘记修改Tool Responses了。 PS:你问题中的链接如果不额外加()的话是可以直接跳转的,加了反而不行了。
@pclucas14 I'm not familiar with cpython. I would appreciate it very much if you could share your code. Thank you very much.
@pclucas14 Thanks for your reply. If you don't have time, you can show me the whole thing. It would be better If you can share part of the code about...
@pclucas14 I have implemented the wrapper for python. I don't need your code anymore. Thanks.