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Automated Web Recon Shell Scripts

quick-pentest-scripts bhavesh kaul xerohack

Some useful shell scripts to automate web recon


  • [x] autonuce - just automate nuclei against list of subs
  • [x] urlfiles - grep files from allurls
  • [x] quredir - get open-redirect endpoints from all urls

Quick Setup

Run the following command in terminal

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/xerohackcom/webrecon.git && mv webrecon XHW && rm -rf webrecon && cd XHW && rm -rf github-assets && ll

Copy scripts to your recon folder

  • Copy the scripts to your recon directory. You can use 'cp' command to copy these scripts to your recon folder.

  • You reqire the basics of settings up the tools these scripts automate. Copy the tool name & google. Goto their github repos and set them up propoerly. These scripts automate usage. Sit down and relax. Better to run on cloud for heavy tests / full scope recons.


Filenames in bold don't work if the name is changed. Pls change the scripts to accomodate your names

assetfinder + httpx + https-only + autonuce.sh

assetfinder xyz.com | httpx --silent | grep -i "https://" | anew subs && bash autonuce.sh

assetfinder + httpx + https-only + gauplus + urlfiles.sh + quredir.sh (Heavy)

assetfinder xyz.com | httpx --silent | grep -i "https://" | anew subs && cat subs | gauplus -b ttf,woff,svg,png,jpeg,jpg,css,bmp,tiff,woff2,ico,icon,PNG,JPG,BMP,CSS,gif,GIF | grep -i "https://" | anew allurls && bash urlfiles.sh && bash quredir.sh

assetfinder + httpx + https-only + gauplus + urlfiles.sh + + quredir.sh + autonuce.sh (Very-Heavy - All In One)

assetfinder xyz.com | httpx --silent | grep -i "https://" | anew subs && cat subs | gauplus -b ttf,woff,svg,png,jpeg,jpg,css,bmp,tiff,woff2,ico,icon,PNG,JPG,BMP,CSS,gif,GIF | grep -i "https://" | anew allurls && bash urlfiles.sh && bash quredir.sh && bash autonuce.sh

Happy Haxing :)