i3-dots-old icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
i3-dots-old copied to clipboard

my dotfiles


This is my personal repo for my Arch linux configurations.


Type Package(s)
WM i3-gaps-rounded-git [1]
Bar polybar
Launcher rofi
Compositor picom-git
Notifications dunst
Terminal kitty
GTK Fluent Dark
QT Fluent Round Dark
Icons papirus-dark
Cursor adwaita
File manager pcmanfm-qt
Screenshot tool flameshot
Polkit manager lxsession
Fonts ttf-iosevka-nerd [2]
Wallpaper manager nitrogen
Editor neovim
neovide (neovim client)

[1] It's also possible to use plain i3-gaps if former is not available, at the expense of no rounded corners :C.
[2] For icons on polybar.

Some shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Super + Return (enter) Launch terminal (kitty)
Super + E Launch file manager (pcmanfm)
Super + Q Launch web browser (chromium)
Super + Shift + C Close focused application
Super + Shift + R Restart window manager
Super + Shift + Q Quit window manager
Super + R Start program launcher (rofi)
Super + 1-9 Switch workspaces from 1 to 9

