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A middleware abstraction library that provides a simple programming interface to various compute and storage resources.
Hello, We are asking for feedback for the CWL v1.2.1 release. Changelogs for the release can be found below: Workflow / ExpressionTool / Operation: https://deploy-preview-115--cwl-v1-2-dev.netlify.app/workflow#Changelog_for_v1.2.1 CommandLineTool: https://deploy-preview-115--cwl-v1-2-dev.netlify.app/commandlinetool#Changelog_for_v1.2.1 You can provide...
As reported by @arnikz there are some issues with the "at" adaptor. https://github.com/xenon-middleware/xenon-cli/issues/81 I'll look into this
Currently the `at` adaptor returns very little info once a job has finished. Even getting the correct state or exit code is hard (see #683). We could get a bit...
Some HPC clusters now promote using [uftp](http://uftp-multicast.sourceforge.net/) to transfer files. Would be nice to support this protocol. See https://www.hpcwire.com/off-the-wire/gcs-centres-sc-asia-data-mover-challenge/ There is a Java client at https://github.com/UNICORE-EU/uftp/tree/master/uftp-client
Bintray and jcenter will shut down in the near future: https://www.infoq.com/news/2021/02/jfrog-jcenter-bintray-closure/ We should switch to maven to distribute the xenon jars?
So far, we've been using travis-ci,org for automated testing. This will be shutdown in the near future and replaced with travis-ci.com. Although they also seem to support free use for...
### Context I am working on a project which aims to provide a user side solution for higher resource utilization on SLURM cluster. It requires information on pending jobs in...
As reported at https://github.com/xenon-middleware/xenon-cli/issues/76 a user would like more info on their jobs. To fetch everything you can use `sacct --helpformat` to get list of all fields and concat them...
To authenticate against SURFSara's dCache servers a token (Macaroon) is needed. At the moment the Xenon webdav adaptor only accepts username/password combi. It would be nice if Xenon was able...
As reported in #671