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A simple parser combinator library for Kotlin

Kessel — Parser Combinators for Kotlin

Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public. Build Status License: LGPL 2.1

Kessel is a simple parser combinator library for Kotlin.

This library is currently a work in progress. Feel free to try it out, and comments/suggestions/contributions are welcome, but incompatible changes may be made without notice.

Like many other parsers, Kessel has two main stages:

  • tokenization, which converts a sequence of characters into a sequence of tokens

  • parsing, which converts a sequence of tokens into an abstract syntax tree

These two stages are very loosely coupled. The types for tokens and abstract syntax trees are both user-defined, and one can easily use tokenization without parsing, parsing without tokenizing, or perform additional processing on the token stream between tokenization and parsing.


Your tokens can be whatever type you want, but they need to have a common supertype, so it's natural to use a sealed class. For example:

sealed class MathToken {
    sealed class Value : MathToken() {
        data class Identifier(val name: String) : MathToken.Value()
        data class IntLiteral(val value: Int) : MathToken.Value()
        data class FloatLiteral(val value: Double) : MathToken.Value()

    sealed class Operator : MathToken() {
        data class MultOp(val name: String) : MathToken.Operator()
        data class AddOp(val name: String) : MathToken.Operator()

    object OpenParen : MathToken()
    object CloseParen : MathToken()

    data class Space(val spaces: String) : MathToken()

Tokenization is performed with RegexTokenizer. You'll need a Regex for each type of token, and a way to convert from a regex MatchResult into a token object.

val MATH_TOKENIZER = RegexTokenizer<MathToken>(
    Regex("\\p{Alpha}[\\p{Alpha}0-9]+") to { m -> MathToken.Value.Identifier( },
    Regex("\\d+") to { m -> MathToken.Value.IntLiteral( },
    Regex("\\d*\\.\\d") to { m -> MathToken.Value.FloatLiteral( },
    Regex("\\s+") to { m -> MathToken.Space( },
    Regex("[*/]") to { m -> MathToken.Operator.MultOp( },
    Regex("[-+]") to { m -> MathToken.Operator.AddOp( },
    Regex("\\(") to { _ -> MathToken.OpenParen },
    Regex("\\)") to { _ -> MathToken.CloseParen }

When multiple regexes match the input, the longest match wins. If there is a tie, the order in which the mappings were passed to RegexTokenizer is used as a tie-breaker: the earliest wins.

To tokenize a CharSequence:

MATH_TOKENIZER.tokenize("foo bar 123 baz789 45.6 45 .6 hello")

This will return a Sequence<MathToken>.


Suppose we want to parse a sequence of MathToken objects from the previous section into an expression tree. Our expression tree might be modelled as:

sealed class Expr {
    data class Op(val left: Expr, val op: MathToken.Operator, val right: Expr) : Expr()
    data class Leaf(val value: MathToken.Value) : Expr()

A parser is built using a Parser.Builder:

val parser = Parser.Builder {
    val grammar = object {
        val multOp = isA<MathToken.Operator.MultOp>()

        val addOp = isA<MathToken.Operator.AddOp>()

        val factor = oneOf(
                            recur { expression },
                    ) { _, expr, _ -> expr }

        val term: Rule<MathToken, Expr> by lazy {
                    seq(factor, multOp, recur { term }) { l, op, r -> Expr.Op(l, op, r) }

        val expression: Rule<MathToken, Expr> by lazy {
                    seq(term, addOp, recur { expression }) { l, op, r -> Expr.Op(l, op, r) }

        val start = seq(expression, END_OF_INPUT) { expr, _ -> expr }


Each parsing rule is a variable of type Rule<T, R>. Most of the rules we place inside of an object expression, named grammar by convention. This is done to allow cyclic references. For grammars without cyclic references it would be possible to just use val statements directly in the Builder block.

The final line of the block evaluates to the start rule of our grammar.

In the Builder are several helpers for constructing your grammar:

  • epsilon - matches zero input elements. Always succeeds, and returns Unit.

  • terminal(predicate) - matches a single input element using the supplied predicate.

  • isA<T>() - a terminal that matches if the element is of type T.

  • oneOf(rules...) - a rule that matches one of the supplied rules. Like a logical "or". The rules must all return a common type.

  • either(left, right) - a rule that matches one of the supplied rules, just like oneOf, except the rules do not need to return a common type. Instead, they are wrapped in an Either.

  • seq(rules...){ a, b, c, ... -> result } - a rule that matches a number of other rules in sequence. Unlike many other parser combinator implementations that require chaining multiple "and" constructs, seq can take between 1 and 7 sub-rules, and passes all of their parses to the supplied parser.

  • recur(rule) - used to lazily refer to another rule. This is necessary for recursive grammars.

  • END_OF_INPUT - a rule that matches only the end of the input

Rule objects are also mappable. That is, the parsed value returned by a Rule can be transformed using the map method.

Parsing is then performed by passing a sequence of tokens into the parser's parse method:

val parse = parser.parse(MATH_TOKENIZER.tokenize("5 * (3 + 7) - (4 / (2 - 1))")
        .filterNot { it is MathToken.Space })

This returns a ParseResult<T, R>, where T is the token type (that is, the type of element in the input Sequence), and R is the return type of the parser's start rule.

ParseResult is defined as:

typealias ParseResult<T, R> = Either<List<ParseError<T>>, R>

Position Tracking

Kessel includes some helpers for identifying the original position of tokenized/parsed objects in the source, to assist with error reporting and other diagnostics.

When tokenizing, a PositionTracker can be supplied:

MATH_TOKENIZER.tokenize(postionTracker, "foo bar 123 baz789 45.6 45 .6 hello")

This will return a Sequence<Positioned<P, MathToken>>, where P is the position type of the supplied PostionTracker.

Parsers must be written specifically to be able to handle Positioned tokens. (I'd like to find a way to make this more transparent, but I'm not sure if that's even possible yet.)