game-compatibility copied to clipboard
54540859 - Top Spin 4
Marketplace - delisted
Tested on
Hangs on the menu with corrupt gpu drawing.
!> 00000028 ResolvePath(\Device) failed - no root found !> 00000028 ResolvePath(\Device\Harddisk0) failed - no root found !> 00000004 ExecutePacketType0 overflow (read count 0000E72C, packet count 0000F934) !> 00000004 **** PRIMARY RINGBUFFER: Failed to execute packet. !> 00000004 ExecutePacketType3 overflow (read count 00000008, packet count 00000048) !> 00000004 **** PRIMARY RINGBUFFER: Failed to execute packet.
- XamPartyGetUserList
- XamPartySendGameInvites
- XamPartySetCustomData
- XamPartyGetBandwidth
- XamShowPartyUI
- XamShowCommunitySessionsUI
Writes to unk. register
- (0000 = BF000000)
- (03FC = B1800001)
- (0000 = 43B3C000)
- (03FC = B1800001)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0400 = 44A00000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0680 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 44340000)
- (0400 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0680 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0178 = 440BC000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0580 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 432C0000)
- (0178 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 42AF0000)
- (0580 = BF000000)
- (0081 = 80010000)
- (0082 = 00000000)
- (1E4E = 00000000)
state-menus, gpu-corrupt-drawing, marketplace-delisted
Tested on
Game goes into menu with gpu drawing corruptions... hangs on menu...
!> 00000028 ResolvePath(\Device) failed - no root found !> 00000028 ResolvePath(\Device\Harddisk0) failed - no root found !> 00000004 ExecutePacketType0 overflow (read count 0000E72C, packet count 0000F934) !> 00000004 **** PRIMARY RINGBUFFER: Failed to execute packet. !> 00000004 ExecutePacketType3 overflow (read count 00000008, packet count 00000048) !> 00000004 **** PRIMARY RINGBUFFER: Failed to execute packet.
- XamPartyGetUserList
- XamPartySendGameInvites
- XamPartySetCustomData
- XamPartyGetBandwidth
- XamShowPartyUI
- XamShowCommunitySessionsUI
Writes to unk. register
- (0000 = BF000000)
- (03FC = B1800001)
- (0000 = 43B3C000)
- (03FC = B1800001)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0400 = 44A00000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0680 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 44340000)
- (0400 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0680 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0178 = 440BC000)
- (0000 = 00000000)
- (0580 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 432C0000)
- (0178 = 00000000)
- (0000 = 42AF0000)
- (0580 = BF000000)
- (0081 = 80010000)
- (0082 = 00000000)
- (1E4E = 00000000)
- state-menus
- state-hang
- gpu-corrupt-drawing
Some glitches exist, some venues are laggy. But now it's playable!
Logs in zip archive
Some glitches exist, some venues are laggy. But now it's playable!
Logs in zip archive
With what version? Mine still crashes with xenia 2020-12-24.
Tested on
Played a Single and Doubles match. 61FPS with vsync off and shaders cached.
:warning:Major graphical issues with vertex explosions and the game literally wrapping around the screen. :warning:Major wonkiness going on with bad camera angles.
More Screenshots
The game is playable with the April 27 2021 build (with audio delay tho) but with the latest one (August 10 2021) it doesn't work anymore, it just freeze as soon you touch the ball during the first service.
Seems to be playing great on the May 25 2022 build. Occasional minor stutter, otherwise not seeing many graphical glitches or other things to make it unplayable. Great job!
I still cannot play this game. Mine crashes when I go to serve.
Hello! Someone can help me with this bug? The camera on the game is bugged and so closed, the game is flowing normal but the only bug its the camera.
Hello! Someone can help me with this bug? The camera on the game is bugged and so closed, the game is flowing normal but the only bug its the camera.
Use the xenia canary version
extreme video flickering of cross-fading-videos between sets and/or replays. same issue with the intro-videos of top spin 3. otherwise runs perfectly.