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534507EF - Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Tested on (
Instant crash.
Close to playable now on Vulkan (60 fps on 1050ti), except for some kind of a "shifted glass" graphical artifact – two lines in the center of the screen.
Runs pretty decent on D3D12, but there's still issues with the flashlight and the devices like the uv light. When you get to the first checkpoint and then restart, the flashlight will work.
If you stop right before the beginning of a new level, the flashlight will stop working again, but getting to the first checkpoint, making sure it's turned on and restarting seems to still work.
Crashes frequently too at times. xenia.log
Crashes every time when you try getting to gameplay on Vulkan.
Tested on
Started a new game. Killed many homeless people and found first Sonic Emitter. 60-80FPS with vsync off and shaders cached.
:loud_sound:Minor audio issues with some sounds repeating forever.
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Back in May 2021 managed to complete the game.
Some areas will some times exhibit vertex explosions or corrupted textures on walls, but after an emulator restart (with shaders now cached), perfect visuals and no other errors. Happened only in 3 locations during the entire game.
5700 XT + R5 3600: 720p60 locked (95% of the times) FPS can be unlocked to even 120 fps or more, if you have the GPU power. No weird game logic noticed. Resolution scaling works fine for visuals BUT sound errors start to happen when not played at native x1 resolution scale.
Playing now, works mostly fine aside from the issue RareMv pointed out and the issue of some sounds repeating forever and some others not playing correctly or not looping correctly, video testing the game
For now its totally playable no sound issue and other stuff. Stable 60 fps on rx 470 and i5-3330
Tested on xenia-project/xenia@733efa5
Started a new game. Killed many homeless people and found first Sonic Emitter. 60-80FPS with vsync off and shaders cached.
🔊Minor audio issues with some sounds repeating forever.
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state-gameplay | apu-garbage
How you unlock 60fps lock?
From what I remember, the game itself ships with an actual ini you can edit with a text editor.
From what I remember, the game itself ships with an actual ini you can edit with a text editor.
figurate out that vsync was on, also trying Condemned: Criminal Origins, but stuck on 44fps, user Sowa95 unlocked fps using autoexec.cfg, tried the same, but still have no result. Maybe someone here knows how to unlock fps?