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4E4D87E6 - Ace Combat 6
Tested on EmuCR-Xenia-20160217 (xenia-project/xenia@b14c4ad681e7e118cb6cca316a8be7fe45491b8f?)
Nothing happens. Xenia window stays black, but it doesn't crash showing an error.
can you follow the format like i said last issue :|
Tested on EmuCR-Xenia-20160606 (xenia-project/xenia@1dc346d0dfad6b534d1c47e0248017332d6b32af?)
Xenia's taskbar icon changes to game icon, CPU usage is stable 80%, but nothing else happens. I tested Vulkan too, with the same result.
Everything loads up but the menu is all weird looking, and you're unable to see what you're doing:
Looking at screenshots of the menu I got into gameplay by spamming A. Nothing 3D is rendered, but all the 2D icons are fine.
state-gameplay, gpu-missing-drawing
wow that's majorly corrupt. I wonder what it looks like if you try it on the vulkan renderer (launch xenia from the command line with the flag --gpu=vulkan)
Okay menu is now pretty much visible but the text is still a bit glitched ( . After i go through the menu and cutscene is about to start the emulator gives a black screen and plays the audio from the cutscene glitching while having a black screen. after a bit the program crashes. So the flag fixes almost everything but at the moment it wants to play the cutscene it crashes.
So after the last update the screen text seems to be fixed completely but the only problem i'm having now is that the i get a black screen at cutscenes and that causes me that i can't play the game. What happens is that you get a black screen with some glitched audio for some seconds and then it just stops.
I also tried to do a tutorial flight to see if the game loads up the world, everything seems to work expect you have a black screen. but everything works further, so you can use controls (i noticed that due the audio).
Hi -
Just wanted to add that as of the latest release commit benvanik/xenia@52c75c8 (i7, 16GB Ram, 8GB GPU) the game still black screens after any cutscene following the intro/main menu; however there is a noticeable audio lag between an action and the resulting sound in both the menu, and the actual gameplay(from what I can tell from just having audio). Much of the audio is also still corrupted.
Since the last December's release commit keyboard bindings for D-Pad and left analog stick doesn't work
The intro video plays fine, then the first cutscene that plays upon starting the campaign worked with extreme stuttering and 1-2 FPS, the briefing map crashes the game unless if you keep pressing F5 before the map shows up.
The hangar screen only displays UI and its text.
And finally the game crashes when entering gameplay.
Using xenia-git-20170821 I can reach in-game but everything's still in black (no display, no HUD, sound only but control works) just like what AlphaStep reported a year ago.
If you run it now, the program will stop at the actual play phase. The compatibility status of this game should be changed to 'menu'. Please share the specifications of the PC that can be run together.
Specification of my PC OS: Window 10 CPU: Quad Sky I7 6700 Main Bord: Intel h110 Memory: 8GB DDR × 2 GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
the game only run to menu, my specification : os: win 10 Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz gpu: rx 560 oc 4gb
game take of, no playing
my specification :
os: win 10
Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores
main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m
memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz
gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire
update 23/12/17, changes
os: win 10
Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores
main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m
memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz
gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire
update 28/12/17, no changes os: win 10 Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire PD: happy new year!!!
update 19/02/18 Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores (this mont oc to 3.7Ghz) main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire the menos its most rendereing, but no its possible play yet
finally it is possible to see one airplane. but not its possible play the mission.
Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores (this mont oc to 3.7Ghz)
main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m
memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz
gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire
today play 3 seconds tutorial XD
Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores (this mont oc to 3.7Ghz)
main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m
memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz
gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire
Game runs now but the resolution is pretty crappy. also the performance is not to good. But i can see whats going on now so that's a huge improvement.
Cannot proceed beyond certain time after emulator started. (4 tries failed after similar period of time)
i> 00000004 XE_SWAP i> 000011A4 Context lost; Reset invoked G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000050(80) -> 0x1C152000 (32x1, format: k_32_FLOAT) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x035A0000 (1024x1024, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Uploading texture @ 0x035A0000 (1024x1024, length: 0x00400000, format: k_24_8) i> 00000028 VdSwap(BA8D5190, 4018F980, BF069008, 4018F9D0, BEEF0001, 4018F964(BAB60000), 4018F960(00000006), 4018F96C(00000000), 4018F970(00000500), 4018F968(000002D0)) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x039A0000 (512x512, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x03AA0000 (256x256, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x03AE0000 (128x128, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x03AF0000 (64x64, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x03AF4000 (32x32, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x03AF5000 (32x16, format: k_24_8) G> 00000004 Resolve RT 00000000 00000410(1040) -> 0x03AF6000 (32x8, format: k_24_8) X> 000011A4 Graphics device lost (probably due to an internal error)
We could link this issue to Issue #1099, but not sure if it's specific games' problem or recent build of Xenia itself.
Update: now not experiencing Issue 1099, but still freeze and crash in-game. Build: 6807ef3 (May 14 2018).
log file want me to install Libav, but don't know how to link compiled Libav to xenia..
23/15/2018 no changes Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores (this mont oc to 3.7Ghz) main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz gpu: rx 580 8gb sapphire
ver: 19/08/2018 finally it is playable Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores (this mont oc to 3.7Ghz) main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz gpu: Vega 64 8g strix my gamplay:
Anyone can get the DLC working? I've placed the files in the correct path (content\4E4D07D1\00000002) but the game still unable to load them.
Also I can confirm it's completely playable until the end.
Warning: any further discussion of piracy in this thread will result in bans.
In other more legal news, is the thing still up for grabs in the 360 store? I could find this half-assed page checking from the computer, but I see no trace of extra content.
The game and all its DLCs has been removed from the marketplace since last year.
So I got the DLCs working but not all DLCs are loadable (some contents from aircraft packs and Ace of Aces missions are missing despite I have the DLC files extracted to the correct folder) and one of the skin is corrupted nor it displays skin name and description as normally.
When I use it, the game freezes with black screen and HUD.
Other DLCs works fine however, when it can be loaded by the game.
the new update crashing my pc : / Cpu: Ryzen 5 1600 6 cores (this mont oc to 3.7Ghz) main bord: gigabite ab350 h3m memory: 16gb ram 3200mhz gpu: Vega 64 8g strix
Trying to run Ace Combat 6, this happens:
Specs: GTX-1070 ti,
i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz, 3192 Mhz, 6 Core(s), 12 Logical Processor(s)
16 gb RAM