XCSP3-CPP-Parser copied to clipboard
Wrong hybrid-1 extension constraint
<instance format="XCSP3" type="CSP">
<array id="labels" note="instance variables" size="[2]"> 1..32 </array>
<extension type="hybrid-1">
<list> %0 %1 </list>
<supports> (1,2..9)(1,25..32) </supports>
<args> labels[0] labels[1] </args>
It completely ignores the intervals and simply parses it as a table constraint with supports (1,2) (1,25)
, calling buildConstraintExtension
Besides, I was wondering how the "*" (hasStar = true) is represented since we have vector<vector<int>> &tuples
, does it take a special integer value such as MIN_INT or MAX_INT?
Hello Pierre, Currently, the parser does not support hybrid table. I put this on my todo list. I will do it after the deadline of ijcai (18/01).
For star, you have the special integer value STAR (which is equal to INT_MAX).