SimpleSmtp_SSL_QT5 copied to clipboard
Google now requires TLS minimum. Segfault on erroneous deleteLater() call
First off, excellent library very straight forward and I got it to work in no time! Here are a few tweaks I did have to make incase anyone else has problems.
ISSUE 1: TLS min requirements add the following statement on line 167:
socket->startClientEncryption(); if(!socket->waitForEncrypted(timeout)) { qDebug() << socket->errorString(); state = Close; } ................................................................ ISSUE 2: You may have to adjust your gmail account settings to allow insecure apps to login on your account. Also 2 factor auth must be disabled in order for it to work ................................................................ ISSUE 3: On line 251 you call deleteLater() on the MainWindow object itself causing a segfault. This could also be related to the the function that looks a bit iffy in MainWindow::sendMail. At the very least its a memory leak.
Make Smtp a class member variable and use it as a stack allocated object rather than a heap allocated one. Then you wont have to worry about the dangling pointer.