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BD with menu works for Kodi 18 but not for Kodi 19
I point out that there are some HD bluray that the menu does not work, as soon as you try to navigate the menus the OSD screen appears
I confirm that disks that don't work with kodi 19 work well with kodi 18.7!
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There´ s just a little more you need to add. We will need debuglogs from both versions (at least that would be best). So the devs are able to compare the logs and are probably able to see what's goidn wrong. A debuglog from your current Kodi 19 version is absolutely mandatory. So, at least, please provide that.
We can't help otherwise unfortunately and our template also asks for that
Thanks in advance.
I took a look at the log you posted here: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/17997
For providing your log, please disable the vu+ add-on as that add-on spams the whole log and make it way bigger than it needs to be. Also that plugin is not related to your problem. So it won't hurt disabling it for the time being.
this is a keybinding issue, i am not skilled enough but it's due to some of the global commands being entered into the i think full screen menu area which controls bluray playback via the menu
try these as keybindings has been a long time since i have messed around though and not everything works but i think these got me working good enough to use my remote
can't get the formating to show right :(
<VideoMenu> <keyboard> <opensquarebracket>BigStepForward</opensquarebracket> <closesquarebracket>BigStepBack</closesquarebracket> <m>PlayerControl(ShowVideoMenu)</m> <!-- MCE DVD menu --> <menu>OSD</menu> <i>Info</i> <o>PlayerProcessInfo</o> <z>AspectRatio</z> <zoom>AspectRatio</zoom> <t>ShowSubtitles</t> <l>NextSubtitle</l> <a>AudioDelay</a> <f>FastForward</f> <!-- Fwd --> <r>Rewind</r> <!-- Rew --> <escape>Fullscreen</escape> <return mod="longpress">Select</return> <enter mod="longpress">Select</enter> <return>Select</return> <enter>Select</enter> <!-- backspace>Fullscreen</backspace --> <pageup>SkipNext</pageup> <pagedown>SkipPrevious</pagedown> </keyboard> </VideoMenu>
Is still an issue on v19.4 or v20?
Still an issue on both, certain blu rays and uhd’s have keys that don’t work ie can’t fast forward or rewind, I know a pr that changed how the Java menu interacted with kodi changed some of it but I do prefer having a functional menu over one breaking, I can supply a list of disks and their behaviour if required and somewhere is a thread with da-anda involved but gone very quiet
It seems that this is a "by design" change rather than a bug. In any case this is not my department really...
According to the subject it seemed that the BD / UHD BD menus do not work in v19/20 and that is not the case because I was testing it recently.
@maff76 @mistero708 For this to ever be looked up samples or at least a list of offending blurays should be provided... Otherwise this issue will be closed
I just happened to find this issue report today. Wish I found it years ago. I've experienced this issue frequently with blu-rays released by Warner Archive. I should have time later this week to identify specific discs that prevent the playback controls from working. Basically the issue is fast forward, rewind and pause are missing from the UI (the only button shown is stop) and keyboard controls don't do anything. Not all blu-rays are affected though and for those that work, the playback controls show up properly and function well.