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access individual addon settings from chorus2?
Feature suggestion
Detailed Description
trying to find an alternative method to input my netflix credentials into CastagnaIT's Netflix add-on - his script for generating a key doesn't seem to be working for me, so at the suggestion I saw on that dev's Issues, I decided to try chorus2. I can't seem to find the way to launch access to its settings
That add-on is a way for users to have a similar Netflix experience on their kodi as they do on netflix-approved devices. But not everyone has a smart tv or wants to watch on their phone, so for cable cutters who have subscribed, it's a godsend. unfortunately, for some reason, signing in to netflix with email/pwd stopped working using the kodi remote app. The Netflix add-on written by that dev has an associated python script that continues to not work for me on my linux desktop, and 2 different windows computers, so accessing the authentication of the addon via its settings would be most helpful
Possible Implementation
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Note: Team Kodi will consider this item however we will not make any promises if it will be included.